
Dell Dimension 2400 Series Error??

by  |  earlier

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My desktop was working fine last night (fine as in it's always been slow but it got the job done with a little patience). I left my computer on and this morning I notice it was turned off. When I turned the computer on it had an error on the screen " Primary Drive 0 Not Found". It gives me the option to hit F1 or F2. F2 is the only one that works. I went into the drive configuration and it said "Primary Master Drive UNKNOWN". I Don't know what to do....PLEASE HELP!




  1. 1 unplug data cable & power for hard disk.

    2 remove battary.

    3. plug data cable & power for hard disk.

    4 reinstall battery

  2. Your hard drive died. not the new you want to hear but sadly its the fact

  3. Have you tried going to Dell Support? You should be able to upload drivers from their site.  

  4. HMMM YOu can try shutting down and Remove the battery form the motherboard remove the power cable for 10 min then reinstyall the battery and plug it in and boot up.If not your HDD may be dead . It happens that fast .

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