
Demeter, greek goddess?

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I have an english persuasive composition to make and it is about Demeter, the greek goddess. The scenario is this, I need to persuade people to worship.. please give me some good reason why worship demeter... i need controversial, debatable reasons. ( i know she is the goddess of agriculture so don't give that reason to me )

or better can you give instances when demeter was more powerful that any other olympian gods.. thank you..




  1. You may want to do some research on the Eleusinian Mystery religion. Most Greeks in classical antiquity were initiated into this religion. It centered around the worship of Demeter and her daughter Persephone.

    Not much is known about its teaching as a great deal was kept secret and only open to the initiated. What is known is that it offered purification from sins and a reward in the afterlife.

  2. The myth that shows her supremacy to any other god is the one who describe the kidnapping of Persephone by Hades. Persephone was Demeter's daughter.

    She was so sad and angry and all the nature was influenced by this.

    All the plants died, the seeds couldn't grow, a bad weather was spread on earth, the animals without food were dieing, the same happened with the humans. The smell of death was in the air and all the human race was one step before the total ruination.

    The other gods couldn't do anything , for this reason Zeus told to Hades to release Persephone . Hades agreed but before that she gave to Persephone to eat some pomegranate. There was a rule saying that if someone eats something from the Underworld he would stay there forever.

    So Hades tricked Persephone but she only ate a small piece of pomegranate.

    The result was that she had to spend every year the 1/3 of the year to the Underworld with Hades and the rest 2/3 with her mother on earth.

    When Persephone returned to Demeter the earth became again good and all the plants were grown.

    When Persephone is with Hades it's winter on earth because Demeter is sad, and in the spring Persephone returns to her mother.

  3. So, you already know she's agriculture goddess. She was worshipped because she cause the grains of people to grow and people harvest it. She was the one responsible for the growth of crops.

  4. First, get your facts straight.

    Demeter was the Goddess of abundance.

    She was the second most powerful aspect of Zeus, the "Head God".

    She had a whole retinue of sub-goddesses under her, for example, the Goddess Isis ( the goddess of abundant life).

    You would pray to Demeter to have good harvests ( an abundance of agriculture) - the US Midwest is having problems with their corn crops, so that might be a good target audience.

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