
Democracy- good or not?

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Is democracy really that great when we vote for representatives every 3/4 years (depending where people live)and moan about what they do inbetween? Are we really living in a democract society when we only vote once/twice (again depending which country) on a representatives and not the issues that come to front in the elective period.?




  1. Democracy is terrible and would never work.Perhaps that is the reason there are none.

    We are a Representative Republic. If we were a democracy Bush would have never won in 2000! He lost the popular vote, so he had no mandate!

    Supreme Court Justice David Souter almost resigned over the 2000 Fiasco!

  2. We live in a Republic.

  3. Democracy good. Politicians are bad! bad! bad!

  4. First of all, if you are referring to the U.S., we do NOT live in a democracy. We live in a representative republic. Democracy is a horrid form of government. Democracies live under the rule of man, representative republics live under the rule of law.

    Read the Constitution does not contain the word democracy

  5. Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest

    Winston Churchill.

  6. Democracy good or bad is necessary. We live in a democratic representative republic. But we practice a bit of all forms of government. The concept of public property is common property from communism. The ideas of labor unions and the idea of SSI are concepts of socialism.  When we vote we practice democracy, Everything having to do with the buying and selling with the use of a single currency issued by the government is capitalism. So we have a mix of all of the above.  Our mix would be much better is all of our social functions were isolated from the effects of capitalism. Our social functions are the judicial system, the political system, The education system, medical system,  The communication system. We would truly have a utopian society if the social functions were handled in a social manner.

    Common functions need to be communistic.

    Social functions need to be socialistic.

    The democratic representative republic concept is by far the best way.

    Then  all we need is the libertarian party to restore our liberties and to

    direct the remaining ways of capitalism.   The only problem then is the fact that the libertarians do not believe in any social functions or common functions.

    Some day we may sort this out.

  7. Democracy is good but we live in a democratic republic.  We elect representatives on vote on each issue.

    It does slow things down but that provides stability.

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