
Democrats, PLEEEEEZE tell me you see past Hillary's ruse?!?

by  |  earlier

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Most of Hillary Clinton's speech last night was about HER and women's (yawn) rights, with nominal support of Barrack Hussein Obama.

Hillary strives to put forth the illusion of wanting Obama's success, while actually desiring his defeat in order to posture for 2012.

Please tell me you can see this.




  1. Hillary is yesterday's news. So is Bill. They are so 90's.  

  2. I can see this plainly, from across the Atlantic.

    I wouldn't be surprised, if in the coming months that she says something "accidentally", that harm Obama's electoral prospects.

    If she doesn't then Bill will.

  3. I see you've been watching MSNBC  and  FOX ... both made that point before she even spoke .

          The one person I truly dislike in the election process is Hillary Clinton .the others I just disagree with .

       She needs power and recognition .. very sad actually.

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