
Democrats, are you upset that Obama's historic speech was knocked of the radar by McCain's VP pick?

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Democrats, are you upset that Obama's historic speech was knocked of the radar by McCain's VP pick?




  1. I don't think it was.  Not off my radar anyway.  It was a beautiful speech and articulated exactly what I feel about being American.  I won't ever forget it.  

  2. Obama's speech was one for the ages but if people would rather talk about what a moron McCain is for picking this person, then so be it.

  3. no, why would i be? this to shall pass.

  4. Last night was serious, today has been a joke!

  5. Not at all.  McCain just handed the keys to the White House to Obama!  

    Do you think mainstream Americans want an extreme right wing idealogue who wants to criminalize abortion even in cases of rape and incest a heart beat away from the oval office?  

    Palin doesnt believe in evolution or global warming.  She has no foreign experience and John McCain will be 76 by the end of his first term and has battled cancer several times.  Obama is going to win in a landslide.

  6. Nope. Though I wouldn't call myself a Dem...just an Obama supporter. :) Palin's kind of a babe. At least we get a consolation prize if Obama doesn't win, but the possible continued slaughter, underfunding and neglect of our troops sort of seems to overshadow her hotness should the McCain/Palin ticket go all the way.

    Eh, but what the **** do I know? :P

    Obama/Biden '08

  7. His speech wasn't knocked off of the radar, as a matter of fact Jimmy Kimmel is talking about it right now. This is a historic election year all the way around. Regardless of who you support, this is a great time for America and only an idiot or a bigot would fail to realize that.

  8. No.

    This Hillary Clinton supporter was happy as h**l.

    McCain made a good choice.

    I will be voting for him and his VP.

  9. yes they are just look around at ya today

  10. No.  It was a great one-two punch.  An historic, electrifying speech, followed by a disasterous VP pick by McCain should give Obama a huge bounce.    


  12. No, not at all. Do you imagine we won't hear that speech or variants of it in the next 2 months? And Obama completed his convention and had already left the stage, that party was over. And by the way, he left the republican machine at a standstill--absolutely flabbergasted and limp.

    Why, it took McCain's news to start the RNC talk mill once again.

    McCain's blip will be followed by the trashing of his judgment as he tries to sell her to his base. And that's the cost of selecting an unknown--you gotta make the sale to your own base before you can begin selling for the win.

  13. Palin admits she doesn't even know what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    ...and she's under investigation for corruption like her mentor Ted Stevens whose endorsement she scrubbed from her website just this morning.

    ...and she called Hillary a "whiner."

  14. People are talking about what an idiotic choice McCain made so it's still in Obama's favor.  

  15. kinda like the nite hillary beat obama so bad in w.vir. and edwards got on tv and said he backed obama.  i love it;;; pay back really is a blessing.

  16. I think it's great.

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