
Democrats, do you feel that your party is...?

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Democrats, do you feel that your party is better off for having Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not?




  1. Yes.

    Just for the fact that she angers so many Phony Conservatives and reveals them as the dim witted hypocrites they are.

  2. I'm neutral at best about Pelosi.  I really don't have anything negative or positive to say about her.

  3. Joan L--Do you really think Nancy Pelosi is a HE?

    You lost a few points on this one.

  4. Get rid of all the shriveled, hideously withered old crones from the party.

  5. Yes, cause he stood up to Bush/Cheney and the GOP lying machine.

  6. She needs to go home, the answer is NO

  7. I can't wait to see them trip over their tongues on this one.

    9% approval rating?   Absolute failure on all the items (except raising minimum wage) on ALL of their campaign promises?

    WOMAN seeking "equality" should be VERY UPSET that the first woman Speaker of the House is such an ABYSMAL FAILURE and bad example.

  8. I am a  FORMER DEMOCRAT, but no, THEY  and WE as a NATION are not better off.

    She has refused to do her duty to IMPEACH the bush crime family, she has sided with them on every request for more money for this UNNECESSARY WAR, signed of on TORTURE, and supported the FISA law (with retroactive immunity for the telecombs who helped emperor dubya spy on AMERICANS illegally) among other issues.She should be IMPEACHED along with her allies in the WHITE HOUSE. San Francisco,

    are you going to send her back?  

  9. She's a huge disappointment. However, a Rep would have been a Yes Man to Bush, and we've sick of that sheeet

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