
Democrats, name ONE way in which Obama represents CHANGE from normal politics?

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Everything he has done is pretty old school...




  1. This question is getting redundant.  Go to and start some research, there are many,many reasons why he represents change.

  2. OK


    change let's see...

    War authorization: As a state senator, he spoke out against Iraq war, before the war started. Has long favored a phased withdrawal.

    Security/liberties: He voted against and later for bills to reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. "Let me be clear: this compromise is not as good as the Senate version of the bill, nor is it as good as the SAFE Act that I have cosponsored. I suspect the vast majority of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle feel the same way. But, it's still better than what the House originally proposed. This compromise does modestly improve the PATRIOT Act by strengthening civil liberties protections without sacrificing the tools that law enforcement needs to keep us safe." --February 16, 2006 Source. Obama supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 83 percent in 2005-2006. "Senator Obama is a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and has supported efforts to base homeland security spending on risk rather than pork-barrel politics. He has also introduced legislation to strength chemical plant and drinking water security and to enhance disaster preparedness." -Campaign site

    Social Security: Senator Obama supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans 100 percent in 2005.

    Stem cell research: Supports federally funded stem cell research.

    Same s*x issues: Opposes g*y marriage; supports civil union & g*y equality.

    Trade issues: Has a mixed voting record of trade issues. Voted for free trade agreement with Oman. Voted against implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. In 2005-2006 USA Engage gave Senator Obama a rating of C. "USA*ENGAGE promotes responsible alternatives to sanctions that actually advance US humanitarian and foreign policy goals, such as intensified US diplomacy and multilateral cooperation."

    Budget issues: "Senator Obama voted against the most recent effort to raise the national debt limit. The current national debt has exceeded $8.6 trillion dollars, and nearly $4 trillion of that debt is now held by foreign governments. Our national debt and annual budget deficits effectively tax all Americans by adding to the amount of interest paid to service U.S. borrowing." Source Obama supported the interests of the National Taxpayers Union 6 percent in 2005.

    Business & labor issues: Obama supported the interests of the National Federation of Independent Business 12 percent in 2005-2006.

    "Sen. Obama regularly supports legislation that we support. There have been no votes in the Senate on legislation we track, therefore our system may have reported 0% simply because no votes were cast. His actual support of NAGC issues is 100%." - J.R. Claeys, President, National Association of Government Contractors

    He supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 39 percent in 2005.

    He supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 93 percent in 2005.

    He supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 92 percent in 2005.

    Abortion issues: Obama supported the interests of the Planned Parenthood 100 percent in 2006. Obama supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 0 percent in 2005-2006. Obama supported the interests of the NARAL Pro-Choice America 100 percent in 2005.

    Capital punishment: Obama says the death penalty "does little to deter crime" but he supports it for cases in which "the community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage." As as state senator, Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases. Source Obama [favors] the death penalty for only the most heinous of murders, such as serial killing. But Obama qualified his stance, saying that his support eroded further when looking at how the death penalty "is currently administered in this country." Obama supported a federal moratorium on capital punishment. Source

    Marijuana: Famously admitted to using illegal drugs in his book. On the issue of medicinal marijuana, Obama said that if the "best way to relieve pain and suffering is through medicinal marijuana," then it's something he's open to. Source

    Gun control: Obama supported the interests of the Gun Owners of America 0 percent in 2005. Based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all state legislative candidates in 2004, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund assigned Senator Obama a grade of F (with grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F).

    Minimum wage: Voted for increases in the minimum wage.

    Health care: "Too many hard-working Americans cannot afford their medical bills, and health-related issues are the number one cause for personal bankruptcy. Promoting affordable, accessible, and high-quality health care is a priority for Senator Obama." -Campaign site

    Prescription drugs: "To help lower the cost of prescription drugs, Senator Obama has supported efforts to allow Ame

  3. He wants to bring the troops back from Iraq.

    He want's to raise taxes on the rich, like they were under Clinton.

    He is going to do good things for the environment, health, education and safety.

    What part of the convention confused you the most?

  4. Change from bush.  What did you want him to say that he wants people walking on mars in 10 years?

  5. Google his acceptance speech from the other night. He gave 29 reasons. You don't actually expect people to give you insight on here, do you?

  6. He is not McSame.

  7. he is DEMOCRAT thats the biggest CHANGE !!! unlike the next Bush.....  Mcain !!!

  8. someone doesnt pay much attention to the campaign...  

  9. pshhhh, what does that even mean?!

  10. He's a change from the last eight years of job losses, deficit spending and foriegn policy blunders.

  11. well, when he stayed at the holiday inn express, they changed his sheets for him.

    maybe thats it, yeah, thats it!

  12. i can name a lot more then one.. check this out..

  13. Picking Biden is very old school.  Some "change".

  14.   It depends on "what" you want to read into Michelle Obamas statement, that "Certain "traditions" need to be changed."  We know she's a socialist just as Obama is, but they could easily want to change the voting system, along with so many more "traditions" since they both have contempt for our "customs, tradition and sense of patriotism".

  15. 1. Taxing the wealthy. He stated in his speech that you don't measure a countries success by the top 1% of our population. The republicans have always been about tax breaks for the wealthy and hoping that the prosperity will have a trickle down effect.

    2. Getting rid of our dependence on foreign oil. Iraq just reported a $69 million government surplus, yet we keep dumping billions of dollars into that country to fight a war that is useless.

    3. Making education accessible to all. It has become a luxury in this country because of the republican congress.

    4. Health care that is affordable. The health care companies have turned our illnesses into a money making business. It should not be as out of reach for as many Americans as it has become.

    5. The fact that our economy is tanking big time. We can't afford to drive our cars, pay our mortgages, feed our families, etc. And it's because there is a 'make the rich richer' attitude in the republican government that needs to change.

    There are many more points that he made last night in his speech. He make a lot of sense to me and I admire what he stands for. I LOVE Biden. I don't think he could have made a better choice for his VP.

    So, what has he done that is "Old School"?  

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