
Democrats, why would a person who makes over $300,000 a year vote for Obama?

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I mean someone who doesn't care about others who will go to a back ally for an abortion or who needs food stamps because they are going through chemo therpy & can't work at their restaurant job. They don't think their kids will be drafted. They don't think anything matters except how much they pay in taxes. How would you convince them that Obama is a better choice for this person. Please star me so your contacts will answer this question.




  1. A king with  any brains tries to make his people prosper, if only so he can tax them.

  2. McCain hides the fact that he  wants to charge income tax on your company provided health care.

    Woops, how does that help the Working stiffs? How does that qualify as not raising taxes.

    Guess ya don't care if ya have 7 houses.

  3. By talking about stopping the war and providing a more positive health plan. Also if the person is in business convince him how Obama would help. Also remind him of friend and family who support Obama. Also appeal to their sense ofaltruism

  4. Because being a Democrat has nothing to do with the amount of money you make, but how you identify politically.

    The richest men in America, e.g. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are staunch Democrats.  It probably has to do with the idea of enlightened self interest, which is a concept that goes back to Smith and the other philosophers of the Enlightenment.  It's the idea that what is best for society, is ultimately what is best for you personally.

  5. I can think of several reasons.  First is the health of the country.  A patriot will vote for Obama because the country cannot afford another four years of Republican policies,  They are bankrupting the country fiscally and morally. A person who cares about the country reacts much like Warren Buffet and understands that someone has to pay the bills.  

  6. I really don't care what you fools do. If you want four more years of Bush, go for it.

    I'm a survivor.

  7. Why would ANY person making over $300,000 a year vote for Obama? That part is easy... sure, it is true (easy to find on his web site, easy to understand if you're not mathematically challenged) that only the top earners were really affected by the Bush tax cuts, and only they will see tax increases going back to the Clinton-era taxes. And if you make $300,000, you will have no problem affording this. None. This is the top 3% of incomes... if you're pulling down $300,000 or more, you're doing very well (I don't make quite so much, but my family's income is in the top 5%... where, I might add, we did NOT get any tax relief under Mr. Bush).

    A person making $300,000 or more would vote for Obama for a variety of reasons, but one is simple: they're responsible citizens. They might actually feel that paying their fair (fair != equal in this case) share of the nation's income, rather than over burden those making less money, rather than transfer that debt to their children and grandchildren, rather than push for the kind of economic collapse that Bush has been pushing for, by spending hundreds of billions more than the government takes in, every year. They realize that, after the various Military expenditures, the INTEREST on our national debt is the largest expense taken out of every tax dollar.

    Now, that doesn't mean you can convince any old pig-head. When you're rich, selfish, and not the least bit worried about your fellow citizens (eg, you're not a Christian, you're probably not a moral person, and you worship the dollar above all else), you might well select "my wallet" as your only campaign issue. And you probably can ignore the other points you bring up.  They're not worries about back-alley abortions... they can send their daughters to Europe, Canada, Cuba, etc. for an abortion. They're not worried about the draft... they can send their children to college abroad, out of reach of the draft in all practical terms... or ensure, if drafted, they go to the same kind of Camp for Senators' Kids that George W. Bush attended, rather than actually serving for Viet Nam. These people are probably beyond reach.

    And they're not the problem, really. That's less than 3% of the US population. What bothers me are all these people who are so stupid, they believe what guys like Limbaugh make up about Obama, rather than the truth. They're struggling on Wal-Mart or McDonald's pay, and yet they somehow manage to doublethink their way to believing that tax increases on the very rich somehow apply to them too... despite the fact that they'll actually be better off, financially and in every other way, under an Obama Presidency. Those are the people who need an education.  

  8. Why would anybody vote for Obama?  He, like the entire Democratic party leadership, works hard to keep the poor from succeeding, because when people decide they can make something of themselves.. they vote Republican.

  9. White Guilt. Many of those elitist highly educated liberals would as they think it would end racism.

  10. better then McCain!!

  11. You've made a serious error in proposing that only the wealthy are Republicans. That's simply not true. The people who will be voting for Obama will come from all income brackets, belong to all colors and cultures, religions, and will be men and women.

    A person's income level does not dictate their political party. Their GREED does, however.

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