
Democrats: What do you think about Palin's 17 year old pregnant daughter.?

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Wait... Obama's mother was pregnant with him out of wedlock and at 17.

I thought Obama himself said that spouses and children were "Off Limits."

So, since you are now using her family as fodder, are we allowed to bring up the Rev. Wright, William Ayers, and Louis Farrakhan relationships as well? Or will you cry about that again?




  1. Bristol Palin is a dirty girl.

  2. yes  

  3. I think it's indicative of a s*x-obsessed society where pre-marital or extra-marital s*x is celebrated so casually. Palin's daughter is just one of many teen-age girls who get pregnant every year in this country. It shows me that Sarah Palin is a 'typical' mother from a 'typical' dysfunctional family, like so many millions of others in America.

    What's even MORE interesting to me is that Palin's husband used to be a member of a 'fringe group' that advocated Alaska' secession from the union! That's the kind of courage, vision and independence that America needs. Too bad he's still not part of that 'fringe' group!

    Perhaps Vice-President Palin would support initiatives that would allow states to abandon a bloated, corrupt, incompetent U.S. government and return to some semblance of self-governance and independent rule.

    Your bias, bigotry, and political prejudice is, of course, indicative of those left-wingers and right-wingers who can't think for themselves and simply follow the "party" line  like sheep being led to slaughter.

    As Adolph Hitler once said: "How fortunate for governments that the people the administer don't think".     -RKO-  09/03/08

  4. I think that you just brought up her pregnant daughter.  I personally , couldn't care less.  

    I DO agree that in a campaign, both sides should be hands off of families.  We are not electing the perfect family, we are electing a president and their policies.

  5. I'm thinking Palin's  S****y daughter should  have kept her panties on and that  the Republicans should not be praising this girl because she decided to take them off.

    Palin's daughter probably has been tickling the pickle since she was 15 or 16.

    Where was mommy and daddy?

  6. Senator Obama's mother wasn't running for VPOTUS.    

    It is also clear that Governor Sarah Palin and her Daughter are not able to say NO ! to a charming man with a hard-on.

  7. youre so dumb to your own question,  notice you were asking about families  being off limits?  is Wright, Ayers, and farrakhan any kin to obama? now you see why the reps are going to down the flusher.

  8. So what is your point by asking this question? You are doing the one thing you have an issue with. Bringing up Palin's daughter. Democrats have no issues with Palin's daughter as we are very concious about reality. We understand that this happens every day. Our issue is about Palin and her fight against sexual education. If she knows these issues are real, why stop children from learning about these important issues. You may disagree like Palin, but when you are a pregnant teenager you wish you had that type of knowledge from someone. Not all parents teach it and not all parents ever will. Some children don't even have parents to begin with. The whole issue has nothing to do with downgrading Palin's daughter.

  9. You sir, are awesome. :D

    To answer your question.... I think she's hot.  

  10. I'm curious why the girl is not at school, well all of her kids, rather than being at a political convention. I guess being Governor not only can you get your ex bro in law fired but excused absences for your kids too...  

  11. Glad you understand that Obama understands!

    You wore the old stuff out, now boring

    but now you mention it Palin's family is lucky to have money, so be able to afford health care for the family, or they would all be voting Obama

  12. Who is bringing up the child, other than news organizations, who bring up everything?

  13. No, if you're going to be equivalent, you'll have to find the boy his daughter played doctor with.  Or McCain would have to get pregnant.

  14. Excuse me but aren't YOU the one politicizing her by asking this question?

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