
Democrats: What do you think of fellow Democrats who own guns and like to hunt?

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I know a few Democrats who wouldn't give up their guns on a bet, and they do spend time in the woods during hunting season. (The reason they're friends is because I'm a Republican who is happy to co-exist and find room for others' beliefs.) But my real question is, how many Democrats believe that gun-owning, hunting Democrats should be expelled from the party, even though they believe in many of the things that make Democrats Democrats?




  1. I have hunted, I own 2 shotguns and .22 rifle and I'm a Democrat. What's the problem besides generalizations?

  2. its their right

  3. I do not affiliate myself with political parties.

    I will keep my matter what

  4. all i know is...  that moose hunting gal from up north is gonna be up to her child bearing hips with her own kids, and now there's a little grandbastard on the way.  i don't hate guns.  

  5. Its not about hunting, its about AK47's on the streets? Why would you support that?

    and concealed weapons has, what to do with hunting?

  6. I'm a Democrat, and I have no problem with responsible people owning weapons for hunting animals or reasonable self-defense. I don't believe any right in the Constitution is limitless, however. I would argue with a Democrat who attacks all regulations on guns. I'm not sure how someone can be expelled, but if I had a say in these affairs, I'd risk alienating gun-rights extremists from the party.

    I think the NRA has created a straw man argument, where every proposal they don't like is hysterically condemned as the first step in criminalising all guns.

  7. This is just another example of how the two-party system has strangled our government and our society in general. Somehow every democrat is supposed to subscribe to the exact same set of beliefs and values as every other democrat?

    Each and every Republican has to think just like every other Republican?

    How un-American is that?

  8. why would u need a ak47 on the street  anyway?

    democrats believe in the right to bare arms and to protect yourself, but believe in backgorund checks to do it.

    gun control means making it harder for convicted felons to purchase wepons

    gun control means keeping ak47s off the street.

    stop spreading the lies republicans, nobody is trying to take away guns.

  9. Slick Willy used his "GUN" on Monica "big juggs" Lewinsky & he didn't get banned from the demmie party.  Even "cigared" her!

    JFK both "hunted" & studded with his "GUN" any & all "does" he desired to service.  JFK didn't get excommunicated by the demmies or the Catholics for that matter.

    FDR, aka "the human p***s" probably "GUNNED" more women down than even Hugh Hefner, & FDR was wheel chair bound!!!  That's ONE powerful buck, ESPECIALLY for his EXTREME age!  He made three terms, a RECORD that can't be beat!!!

    ALL repub/dem "bucks" own a GUN, they jus prefer to keep IT concealed!!!

  10. I think its their right and I like to hunt too. So I own guns, and hunt for food. But I also believe that owning a gun brings a certain amount of responsibility with it. I don't think owning or using a gun for hunting is reason enough to expel people from a party. As a matter of fact, I don't think disagreeing with ones party is reason enough to be expelled either.

  11. why do people think all democrats don't like hunters?

  12. I have two rifles myself.  Who says democrats are against gun ownership?

  13. First of all, hunting is for f**s...Secondly, most republicans I know are the ones who are so religious, but yet they'll go out and shoot a couple deer and eat it up for xmas...morons.  

  14. What a surprise. Some Republicans don't go to church every Sunday. Gun rights probably don't count as 'core' Democrat belief.  

  15. I have no problem with legal gun ownership and hunting. Food, yes. Trophies, no. I'm a Democrat. I guess that must be breaking news to you, but don't you think many Democrats already know this.

  16. The people you speak of are true Americans who think for themselves and follow the belief of right and wrong as they see it, not as the politicians of a party has shown them they believe it to be.  I'm a Independent who believes in  Nonfelon gun ownership, prochoice but not late term, antiillegal, pro stemcell etc......    

  17. Why do you think that Democrats are against guns? The whole argument for years has been that an AK-47 assault rifle isn't effective for deer or elk. A bolt action rifle will do the trick. You take things out of context. Gun Control is only necessary because people like d**k Cheney are clueless when it comes to Gun Responsibly!

  18. I do not think hunting is a very plitical subject.  I have met hunters in every political scope.    Hunting is a sport, much like any other sport.  

    Now using a gun for hunting is one thing, and having them for other purposes is another.  I am from texas and I am very limited on what firearms I can have, because Guns are for hunting.   using guns to kill people: unsavory.   Now I think you can also make the same arguement of golf....what do you think of fellow ""  who own golf clubs and like to golf?  NOTHING!  NOONE DOES!   why?  because GOLF and HUNTING never made anyone a member of a political party, their BELEIFS did.

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