
Democrats Will Destroy America Given The Chance. Are You Willing To Let "Emotion" Cloud Your Thinking ?

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I`m betting about half of America is...What do you think ?




  1. I think GWB has done a bang up job on his own.

  2. This country has already been ruined by republican douchebags, so what's ur point?  

    If McCan't wins this probable pre-rigged election, be ready for a military draft from ages 15-45.  lol.  

  3. I'm betting only 49% will.  McCain 2008

  4. No more so than for over a hundred years now since that became an integral part of the Rockefeller family trust!

    "Though Stalinism may have been a needless tragedy for both the Russian people and communism as an ideal, there is the intellectually tantalizing possibility that for the world at large it was, as we shall see, a blessing in disguise."

    "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief."  

    "Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control."

    "The Soviet Union could have emerged as the standard-bearer of this century's most influential system of thought and as the social model for resolving the key dilemmas facing modern man."

    David Rockefeller with Zbigniew Brzezinski

  5. The Supreme Court and Putin will do it for US

  6. A vote for McCain is a vote to continue the ruination of our country and people. And no one wants that.

  7. To repeat a quote often wrongfully referenced to Winston Churchill (but correct nonetheless)

    If you are 25 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

    If you are 50 and not a Conservative, you have no brain.

    Conservatives use more rational thought when planning their policies.  They also can think more long term.

  8. Democrats are not going to destroy America.  After 8 years of Bush, we have nowhere to go but up.

  9. I'm letting intelligence rule my thinking. I leave emotion up to Hannity.

  10. They're hatred for Bush has clouded their thinking for 8 years. They think the president is a dictatorial position that can do anything he wants, LOL! Forget how government really works, just blame Bush for everything, right down to Nagen not getting the people out of New Orleans to the Hubble Space Telescope growing's all his fault and He will fix everything.

    All praise Obama...

  11. It's this type of speech that destroys America.

    This coming from a strong Republican, too, my friend.

  12. Emotion never clouds my judgement..and republicans are the only ones to destroy this country because the only thing they know is war.

  13. Too late. 8 years of Bush has sunk the country.  We need a change to get back on the right track.

  14. What are you doing if not trying to play on people's emotions through fear-mongering? A year ago I might have placed some credence in your sentiment, but something interesting happened which changed my opinion. A very bad immigration bill was put forward and people rose up and made their voices heard. What happened as a result? The bill was defeated. So you can choose to believe that we are one step away from disaster if you choose. For me, I will put my faith in the people of the United States of America. United We Stand and we have a strange way of coming together as a people when circumstances dictate the need.

  15. Bush and company have already completed that task, now Obama and Biden will be left in charge of the clean up.

  16. 26% think we're headed in the right direction.  McSame will continue this.  Vote away sheep.

  17. Uh-oh!  Someone snuck into our secret "destroy America" meetings and now the word is out!

    Maybe we need to distract them with more fear about terrorists and start another war.  It seems to be the only thing they understand.

    TOS answer: Dems won't destroy America.  People are finally coming out of the fog and recognizing that fear and war is no way to make America better.

  18. Yes Bush has destroyed the creditability of the Republicans by leading them like the Pied Piper to disaster, if only the Republicans in the Congress had opposed the War plan from the beginning

  19. It will be close, but when the Rev Wright commercials start running the week before the election, I think enough people will see that Obama is a racist to stop him.

  20. I think you are part of that half.

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