
Democrats and Republicans: What are your main fears if your candidate does not win the election?

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Democrats and Republicans: What are your main fears if your candidate does not win the election?




  1. That it will be the McSame as it is now.  Recession, high gas prices, high taxes, unneeded war.......etc.etc.

  2. That we will all burn In h**l!

  3. My worst fear is that IF Obama is elected, more and more and more of my taxes will go to those on welfare! I also DO NOT want free health care. I prefer to pay for it, and not have to sit with disgusting people and illegal aliens in the nastiest waiting room...eww.

  4. If Obama wins, his economic policy, particularly taxes, might slow the economy to a halt, or worse cause it to backtrack.  Then we'd really have a recession, possibly a depression.  Obama cares little for oil, and although we have to get away from it, it's a necessary evil for now.  His investments in alternative energy stand no chance of bringing quicker gains than simply drilling for oil, and there's no promise they will ever arrive, and certainly not before he serves 2 terms (assuming that happens).

  5. That with a Democrat president AND a democrat president, gov't will ballon, taxes will grow exponentially and we'll be smothered in more regulation.

    For starters.

  6. i support OBAMA/BIDEN and if my candidate does not win then i will just have to endure and survive as i have been doing for the last 8 years.

  7. Europe seems to be doing just fine with their "outlandish" programs.  

  8. That you and I won't get to do our victory dance.

  9. 60-70% taxes to support socialized medicine and socialized education programs, as well as the welfare and his other outlandish programs.

  10. More Bush type ruin...

  11. That Obama will siphon off part of my retirement funds and investments, he has admitted that he will.

  12. I am an Independent voter. I fear that if Obama wins, our economy, our country's security, and any morals that are left in this country, we be destroyed.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  13. If McCain wins we're to see gas up to $6.99 in 2012, Hundred year war in Iraq, Bush becoming richer by being oil businessman  

  14. That the us and the world will fall into communism

  15. I cannot believe so many people are standing behind a man like Obama, who does not recognize our National Flag, or put his hand on the Holy Bible....

    My main fear is that our country will be torn apart from the inside.  

    Out of our options, at least an american that has spent more than 140+ days in congress would be better than a Muslim loving African American that won't honor an American Flag!

    here is a very interesting link to an article that hits the nail on the head...

  16. To me it has come down to:

    Something different or more of the same.

    No real fear, just don't want another term for Bush policies.  

    If you would have asked 8 years ago, I would have said that McCain is the man for the job.  Now, I am not so certain.

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