
Democrats and Republicans- how many will watch Sarah?

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tonight? I hear that they expect more people to watch her than watched Obama the other night. Just curious- I know I watched Obama and will watch Sarah- Do most of you plan to see both, or have the dems already decided they don't want to hear it?




  1. I will probably be asleep

    i have to go to work tommorow

    i don't have free time like most of us here

    so i don't know may be or may be not

  2. I might watch so I can see Sarah Palin fall on her face.

    She should make less speeches and do less governing and do more parenting.

  3. It may be a make or break speech for McCain's last attempt at becoming president!  I personally believe she will make the speech of a lifetime.  I am going to pay a lot of attention to how she tells the libs to back off attacking her family while not coming off as an angry mother!

    Keep in mind

    Obama=Pelosi...they are interchangeable

  4. I want to watch it for two reasons: To see how she comes across when speaking in public, and to get all the jokes this week on The Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Real Time with Bill Maher.

  5. Everyone who is seriously into politics will want to see & hear what she has to say. This will indeed be the speech of a lifetime for her, especially since it's one that she wrote herself. I'm sure the Obama supporters are hoping that she will s***w up and her supporters are hoping that her speech will be a great one that comes from the heart. Everyone that really cares about politics seems to be interested in this one

    What are some of the Obama supporters here afraid  of?

  6. Me! I want to see her in that funny moose costume.

    That speech of hers is much more revealing.

  7. I will be watching her speech.  I am not thrilled with this pick (to put it mildly) but will hear her out (she better be FAR better than good at this point or this is definitely over).

  8. I might watch her, it should be a riot.

  9. Sarah Palin is incredible! I'm definitely watching it and I can't wait to hear from Romney!

  10. if you watched Obama why watch anyone else

    seriously once you go Obama you can never go back  

  11. Im a lifelong dem but im watching the entire republican convention

    u have to know what the enemys up to right? lol.

    plus im curious as to sarah palin will respond to all the negative media coverage.

    should be an interesting night. i hope everyone tunes in.

    OBAMA 08

  12. i will absolutely watch her!

  13. I'm a dem and I will watch it.

  14. I will.

  15. Closed minded demoncraps like the gal at the top of the answer list will bury thier heads in the sand and not find out what Palin is truely about.

  16. i will try.  really these next two days will be critical for me.

  17. not me, but my parents are watching it, its not a big deal for them, but they want to see it  

  18. NOT ME - I would rather watch paint dry!!

  19. I'll watch.  I want to see how the hypocrite looks when she tells a lie.  I will need that body language for future analysis.

  20. I will listen with a deaf ear.  

  21. I'm watching them all as much as I can - trying to observe them for myself, and not let the (liberal) media influence my decision.  I'm a libertarian.

  22. I am a bot (that is the stupidest name ever) I will watch to see what she has to say, won't change my opinion either way as my mind is made up, but just to see what all the hoopla is about.


  23. i will

    sarah palin rules

  24. Independent.  I will listen and watch Sarah.  Why do you think Democrats won't watch?

  25. I may Tevo it and watch it when I have time...

  26. I've watched everyone so far. I'm really looking forward to watching Sarah. She's working class. Her husband is a union member. She struggles with the same sorts of family issues that we all suffer from time to time.

    Most importantly, I'd like to hear more about her economic ideas. One of the NBC Meet the Press interviewers was on Sunday morning and was very impressed with her depth of knowledge about energy and the economy.

    I'd also like to hear more about how she rooted out the corruption in Alaskan government and how it might apply in the US as a whole.

    I'm not amazed Beverly, just saddened that they are so far in the tank for Obama that they won't even listen to alternative ideas. These are the people that call themselves "the educated" members of society, but closing ones eyes during a critical election seems more ignorant to me.

    Here's part of the MTP interview discussion:

    MR. BROKAW: There's another issue in all of this, and Maria Bartiromo got to it when she interviewed Governor Sarah Palin just last week.

    Maria, we have you in New York, but I want to share with our audience, first of all, that interview in which you talked about energy and the oil pipeline that she negotiated on far better terms than her Republican predecessor for the people of Alaska. Let's listen to some of that and then get your reaction to it.

    GOV. SARAH PALIN (R-AK): When you consider the naysayers, the--kind of the fearmongers, 30 years ago before the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline was built--and remember, that pipeline has supplied 15 billion barrels of oil into our domestic supplies here in America--and by the way, Biden, Joe Biden, was one who voted against that Trans-Alaska oil pipeline 30 years ago. He was fearful of allowing ramped up domestic supplies of energy even then, so of course, I fear that if he's of the same mind today, we're in a world of hurt there.

    MR. BROKAW: That's Sarah Palin talking about getting the oil pipeline reactivated again, the one that began, as she pointed out, 30 years ago. But at the same time, Maria, she talks about wanting to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Reserve. Is she going to hold to that position?

    MS. MARIA BARTIROMO: Yeah, I think so, Tom, and I think that this is a very, very important point, because while yes, we spoke about anti-corruption and about Hillary and her charisma, I think the biggest value she brings to the ticket is her expertise in energy. This is her comfort zone. She made a very compelling case to me that the area that we're talking about that is being debated about whether or not to drill, ANWR as you mentioned, is 2,000 acres in a 20 million acre plain. This is her comfort zone, this is really what she's overseeing.

    Alaska is one of the few oil-rich areas we have in this country alone. She is going to really campaign on that--on that platform, not only as energy and oil relates to the economy. We know that oil is one of the biggest issues we face when it comes to the economy. It's certainly crippled the economy over the last year, watching oil prices reach record highs. But also, as energy relates to national security. So this is a very, very important piece of the picture, and I think she brings great value there, making that point that it is a small swath of land, and it really will not impact the wildlife, as of course is the concern, because we've got caribou and bears and moose there, and the upset or the worry is that it's going to impact the breeding of the wildlife. She feels very strongly that that is not the case, and I think that that knowledge of energy is going to be very important for the McCain ticket.

    MR. BROKAW: Beyond energy, how conversant is she with the other big economic issues of the day, especially the liquidity crisis that this country is facing, home foreclosures?

    MS. BARTIROMO: Well, she felt, actually, that the Republican Party has a--has a advantage when it comes to the credit card issue, when it comes to credit. She felt that Joe Biden dropped the ball on that. She talked to me a little about that in the interview. She also talked about healthcare. She had real opinions in terms of what should be done with regard to economic growth overall. And the truth is, Tom, is that energy is a big party of that. I mean, that really is one of the, one of the biggest issues we face.

    On the banking sector upset, he's going to need more credibility, obviously, McCain, on that issue. I don't think that she's necessarily well-versed in, the liquidity crunch, but I think that, she came across so strong with regard to economic matters as they relate to energy and as they relate to overall economic growth that I think it was a very savvy pick, actually. She's very accessible, very personable, as, as you've said. You know, when I was walking around, we went to the highest point in Anchorage and we walked around a field so she could show me really where the main areas were for, for drilling and you had to see her with some of the people on the ground. She, she went over to people. I mean, clearly a reporter is, is there with her, so she has an agenda there, but she was very comfortable going and, and, and welcomed by the people and, and even the people on the ground, when I was traveling there throughout Alaska. You know, one person said to me, I said, "So how's the governor doing?" to the driver of the, of the car and people on the plane and in the airport. And they said, "You know, we, we really, we love her. The first thing that she did when she got in office is she gave up the plane, the private plane, and she gave up the chefs." And she said, "Look, I don't need any of this. I want to focus on economics. I want to focus on what Alaska can do for the rest of the country."

    And remember, if we were to see drilling, not only in that ANWR area, but on the coast in the North Slope, that's also a lot of job creation because there are ripple effects to drilling and she talked a lot about that as well, how we could see tremendous job creation as a result of activity in that part of the country. So clearly that is her sweet spot and that's what she is going to be focused on. I think you make a good point about the liquidity crunch, but I also have to be impressed with her knowledge on this issue of energy, one of the biggest that we face.

  27. I think that Sarah's debut and acceptance speech will be more of  a big deal than Obama's interview iwth Bill O'Reilly.  The fact is that Obama speaking to O'Reilly can be watched over again.  But this speech is another history making moment. I think many no matter what party will watch to see what she will say.  Many want to know where she stands on issues that we face.  I think many of the voters have heard enough about Palin's daughter, they want to hear about her plan for America should she be the next VP.  So I'm not saying Obama's interview isn't important, but I don't think many will mist Palin because they want to see what she has to say and how she will deliver.  

  28. I will watch this right wing kook.

    I hear they are dragging the boyfriend up on stage???  Sounds like a good show to me.

  29. I might, but to be honest I know beforehand most of what she will probably say and how she will say it.  That was the beauty of Obama's speech, it was much better than I expected and hit a lot more points a lot harder.  I don't think anything like that will happen tonight, but hey, I could be wrong.  I'll probably at least watch the beginning.

  30. Registered Democrat and I watched it.  Of course I want to know what each side is saying and if they're twisting anything.

    She did a good job as far as delivery and animating the crowd.  But she didn't admit that she was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it.  didn't think that she would.  

  31. of course who wouldn't if people can swallow obamas bs then why not palins

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