
Democrats... are Republicans just plain evil or what?

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I could understand if you had a candidate that wants to end war, move towards ending oil dependency, and has a strong and diverse following that is promoting positive change in our country.


You've got McCain. Now he may not be "Hitler" evil (I'm a veteran and I respect what he's done for the country in the past) but its clear his agenda is on par with the rest of the GOP which is controlled by a few wealthy people that could care less about the poor followers within its ranks; and who this year have used sexism and fascism as political tools.

With that said, the reason to hate democrats this year is....?

There are no good reasons.

Just hate. Ole fashion, KKK, n**i, Jim Crow, burn churches with little black girls in it, hate...

Republicans are as like-able as genital warts.

I see a ton a positivity coming from Dems this year and they seem to want move away from the GOPs direction with good reason. But why are their even supporters for McCain, still? Why?

Are people that rally in the thousands who want to see positive change in their government robots? Obamabots? NO! They are real Americans. Integrated, open minded and unafraid.

So what do I consider people that against a Harvard graduate, family man who is opposed to war and destroying the environment?





  1. OMG yes!

    am a Democrat and I just hate how the Republican people act like they don't have a care in the world as long as they are rich and happy and they don't even take the time to help other people!

    I don't know why other people want to vote for a Republican that does not care for the poor and middle class people! when they should vote for a Democrat that actually cares!

  2. The honest truth of it is, both parties have sold out the American people.  It's not a matter of IF the parties have sold out but rather who they've sold out to... and in the end that's the only real difference between them.  That being said, I'd rather have my money wasted domestically rather than fighting for foreign oil... so if I were forced to choose between Obama and McCain I'd vote Obama, but quite honestly, I don't feel either party deserves my vote and plan on writing in a candidate.

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