
Democrats are in a real pickel. How can they attack Palin, without attacking women in general?

by Guest33974  |  earlier

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Hillary has been replaced by another woman. Liberals were all about having a woman in the White House, but what will that say if they start attacking Palin?

Palin runs a state and a town, is a devoted mother, and stands for things that people want, and has way more experience than Obama.

What will the libs attack Palin on - without hurting women in general?




  1. The only person who said it was all about getting a woman in the White House was you, obviously, you're a guy. Its about getting the best possible person in there to do the best possible job. Given the candidates we have in front of us, at this point, I'm not really sure I know who that is. I'm faced with an elderly white man who's confused about what people really want and need, his VP pick who has tons of drama (and to think, we initially thought it would be the 'black man' coming up with drama (remember the attack on Obama's former pastor), a highly educated minority man with a thinning backbone....I say we should elect Biden for president!

  2. The Democrats have proven that they are a group of sexist hypocrites.  I am sure they will invent some way, (as they are now desperately trying) to attack Palin, in their usual sexist fashion.  

    There is some unwritten rule that being a liberal, clueless democrat somehow gives you some kind of "green light" to bash women.  

    It comes as no irony, nor surpise to me, that Republicans are more fair when it comes to equal treatment of women than the Democrats.  

    The Democratic party, and what they claim to stand for,  is nothing but a big pathetic sham.

  3. Easy, attack the issues.

    The position of VP is not a beauty pageant, so sorry if she ends up crying or unable to rebut. She should have known what she's up to.

  4. I agree with J.C.

  5. Why would criticizing Palin be criticizing women in general?  That's nonsense.

    John McCain has politically attacked Barack Obama.  Barack Obama is an American.  Republicans are in a real pickel.  How can they attack Barack Obama without attacking Americans in general?

    There's tons of things to criticize Palin for.  Like the fact that just a few months ago she said that she couldn't say whether she'd take the VP job because SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE VICE PRESIDENT'S JOB IS.

    Or the fact that she's utterly ignorant on oil.  Earlier this year, on the C-Span call-in show Washington Journal, a crackpot from Florida said that the oil in Alaska's wildlife refuge would immediately solve America's oil problems. And that America's grid electricity comes from Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.  She agreed wholeheartedly.

    She doesn't even know what oil is used for.

    Oil is used for transportation and in heavy industry, not electricity generation.  And even if they started drilling in ANWR, the U.S. would still import most of its oil.

    So while both Barack Obama and Palin get attacked about their supposed inexperience, Sarah Palin is the only one whose inexperience is coupled with obvious ignorance.

  6. Palin is a refreshing touch   to this years election.

    The Dems promised change---the Reps delivered the goods.

    McCain/Palin '08 -----------Change you may Rely on.

  7. so questioning mccain would be attacking all veterans and questioning palin would be attacking all women. wow you republicans really are afraid of debates.

    how exactly is attacking her attacking all women? when did she become all women? she is against freedom of choice for women so obviously she doesn't represent them. go ahead give me a thumbs down, you know im right.

  8. Because it's a right wing conspiracy against half black ,half white,half muslim, half poseur christian communists such as Obama,, (bow before  his name) Anyone that disagrees with Obama must be intolerant and can not be tolerated.

  9. all i gotta say is that demos are DOOMED! Palin is a great women! We got this in the bag! ... just wait,... John made a great choice.... democrats are shakin in their boots right now, and everyone knows it... Obama messed up by not picking Hilary, and now they will pay for it.....

  10. Good leadership and experience has nothing to do with gender whatsoever. Call me uneducated, but I had rarely heard of Palin before she became the VP for McCain. I don't think she is experienced enough to be able to run our conutry, if god forbid, sometihng happens to McCain.

  11. ISSUES.....ever heard of those?

    she's a politician NOT every woman, unless Bush is every man....what world do you live in?

  12. This is a easy one. Attack on the Issues! Palin herself brings in the abstinence only issue and well that has not worked to well for her.

    Lets discuss the pork money issue that she took and then changed her mind on the famous  bridge with her buddy Ted Stevens

    The two state legislation's she has worked on. Benefit's to state employees. Which she vetoed

    The other was gas lines to benefit Canada and her.

    Even she has admitted she is not qualified.

  13. They should attack her like any other vice president candidate. They should say and do the same to her as if she were a man, right? Thats why she is on the ticket, equality for women. That means she is fair game.

    But of course, when someone attacks her, the feminist right wing non-thinking evangelicals will yell foul and the media will jump to her defense.

    Ah h**l what do I know.

  14. I believe the word you mean is "pickle".

    Palin is easy to attack.

    Just look at her stance on the issues. She's as right wing as it gets.

  15. Palin is just one women.  Criticizing her is not a criticism of all women or the prospect and idea of having a woman in the White House.

  16. I find your question offensive as a woman.  Because we share the same organs does we have the same thoughts....the answer is no.

    Hillary has not been replaced.  It is like comparing apples to onions.  Their views are opposite.  What does Palin stand for?  Being a good 'ol Alaskan?  Give me a break.  She is a radical evangelisist, belonging to the Dominions Church.  She is pro life even when a rape or incest has  created the baby.  Palin wants to criminalize abortion.  As a woman she want the government to have the right to tell us as women what to do with our bodies.  She believes that creationism should be taught in schools, and that all birth control other than the rhythm method should be outlawed.  

    Give me a break friend.  Research your issues before you post on the internet and make a fool of yourself.  Hillary and Palin couldn't be more opposite.

  17. How so?  Palin is allegedly running on her own merits.  Those merits are deficient in my view.  Hillary was a great candidate.  What's your point?

  18. I don't recall that Liberal Obama supporters, Conservative and moderates had any problems attacking Hillary  and attacks against her from the Liberal media was almost non stop during the primaries.

  19. I can't speak for all democrats, but I'm not so much attacking her as I'm questioning the her "abstinence only" take on s*x-ed classes for her state.  I'm wondering if she now... only about three months too late... realizes that she may have bet on the wrong horse.

    If anything it shows how completely out of touch the conservatives are with today's society and more importantly it's children.  Teenagers are going to be interested in s*x.  It's not sinful, demoralizing, a symptom of the liberal media... it's nature.  They have hormones and a natural interest in sexual intercourse.  So instead of pushing the arcane concept of "abstinence only," why not openly discuss birth control options with your teens, so that when they do succumb to perfectly natural desires they are at least prepared for this decision.

    I also question a mother who throws her pregnant teenage daughter out in front of the media in order to stage a political counter-attack.  I'm pretty sure the majority of liberal democrats could care less if her teenage daughter was pregnant, providing this young girl wasn't forced in front of a barrage of cameras... or WORSE... forced into an obviously unhealthy marriage by a mother who's too busy playing spin-control to take five minutes out and be a parent.

    I'm not attacking either one of these two women.  I'm attacking the general idea that American politics has turned into a nation-wide mud-fight and although I'm not certain, I'm pretty d**n sure it was you people who started it in the first place!

  20. Stands out for things people want? Many females I know want to have the right to choose what to do to their own body. Palin is easy to attack not because she is a woman but because she is a religious nut that will try to run this country on even more religious fundamentals than it already is. I could deal with 4 years of McCain, it would be upsetting but I would deal with it. Now that he has Palin running with him, well looks like I am going to have to apply to some Canadian colleges just for a secure back-up plan to get me out.  

  21. They have a problem really. if you attack her too much then people will call them hypocrites. And they have problems attacking mccain to much because he is a war hero.

  22. Anything they attack her on will look bad since we can turn it around on Obama. That's why they are so made, the only thing poor Carville was saying on Larry King last night was that she had only met McCain once, Larry King finally said, "you already said that", so Carville, for the first time in his life, was silent, too funny!

  23. they might try the inexperienced move but what I think will happen is the media will be sexist to her (the retarded networks like MSNBC, CNN, DNCTV etc.) and the Clinton voters will follower her just for that. Obama is screwed if he does Screwed if he doesn't.

  24. She is anti choice and  pro mcbush. need i say more? Women of substance wont vote just because she is a woman. Republicans willing to vote for Clinton will cross back.  

  25. So if you do not agree with her political positions and criticize her for that you are  a "sexist". Why is it that, just because she is a woman, she is supposed to get a free pass? And at the same time, criticizing Obama does not render one a "racist".  Politicians are and always will be targets of criticism. Their stand on the real issues are what matters...

  26. Kirsten Powers. (democratic strategist) agrees

  27. "Stands for things people want"?  The only things Palin stands for are (1) anti-abortion and (2) anti-gun control. That's about it. End of story.

    The economy? Iraq? Education? Health care? Social security? Corporate corruption? Civil liberties? The Environment? Palin knows nothing about any of these issues. Obama and Biden don't even have to attack Palin. She can be ignored.

    Interestingly, when the majority of the Supreme Court decided to slash the jury verdict against Exxon for their disasterous assult on the environment in Alaska, Palin went on TV to say how disappointed with the decision she was. But who on the Court made the decision? The usual suspects: Scalia, Roberts, Thomas, Alito. In short, the anti-abortion majority of the Court. And that is because people who are anti-abortion are pro-corporate crime, pro-big business, anti-civil liberities. So, although Palin was trying to get some political support from her Alaskan constituency, she failed and just came off like a hypocrite.

    She was also involved as Governor in firing one of her staff because that staff member wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law over a personal matter. When she got caught, Palin went on TV to explain that she didn't fire the staff member for personal reasons, but because he didn't do enough to address liquor control issues--even though she praised this same employee weeks earlier on this very same issue. Polls showed that about 88% of Alaskans didn't believe her story.

    And anyone who gives this post  a thumbs-down is pro-corporte crime, pro-big-business, and anti-civil liberties!

    'Nuff said.

  28. It doesn't just stop there.  If they continue to attack her "small town" experience, they'll p**s off every citizen of a small town.  If they continue to attack her leadership/lack of experience, every mother, who believes they can run a tight ship at home, and in reality, a household is a condensed version of a society, then they'll p**s off mothers.  Thank goodness they're not attacking her about choosing life for her child, otherwise they'd p**s off every person with disabilities and every parent of a child with disabilities (parents of children with autism already have enough to fight, and well, we know that many parents are choosing to abort instead of raising loving children with downs syndrome - even though the test is proven to result in more false positives than most other tests).  And, she hasn't surrounded herself with bigots for 20+ years, so her judgement is already above that of Sen. Obama's.

  29. Is there comparison to a small town of 7,000 and Chicago 12Million plus? Some facts for you on Palin:

    Sarah Palin was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town (pop 7,000) outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.

    1. Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

    2. She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

    3. Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

    4. She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

    5. She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

    6.How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.

    Frightning!  This is the modern world not the FRONTEIR. This woman has never lived outside her small town of Alaska except to go to college in Idaho!  YIKEs!

  30. Democrats, in general -- and the machine, in particular -- have shown themselves to be the REAL sexists.  Using the liberal media, they bulldozed Hillary to the ground.  Meanwhile, Obama supporters wore t-shirts that said "Bros Before Hoes".  (With friends like these, who needs ... flesh-eating bacteria?!?)

    This situation allowed the DNC superdelegates to select -- that's right, SELECT -- Obama to be the party's nominee.  Neither candidate had enough primary votes.  They went with (guess who) the man.

    If they have the "audacity" (like that word?) to target Palin ... and they will, just like they targeted McCain's military/war record ... they will only rub salt in the wounds of Hillary supporters.  Mark my words.  I used to be one.

    I loved how the media bloviators were discussing what Hillary must do before she spoke at the convention.  "She HAS to do this; she HAS to do that ...", etc.  Um ... WHAT?!?  How about just saying Obama HAS to win over Hillary supporters!  Period!

    But, no, you can't bully black people in the Democratic Party ... that's why Democrats are always bullying white women.  And they won't make an exception with Palin.  

    Oh, and the cherry on the cake?

    When Obama loses, they'll blame Hillary.

  31. Yes, that is right, women are going to resent attacks, especially personal ones that any lib dare will cost them votes.

    Some of these men on here do not understand women at all. lol

    Meg- yes, we all saw how Hillary was treated and the worst was by her own party and as they continue to criticize Palin, more women will realize the gender bias the dems have.

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