
Democrats are yelling drill now?

by Guest58218  |  earlier

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Let me follow something up that the brain washed democratic socialist's keep saying. Drill where the oil companies already hold leases. Well, last time I checked it's a free market and believe me, if the oil companies thought they could drill and make money on leases they held now then they would. So what the democrats want to do is force a free enterprise to do something that isn't in their best interest. That is the role of the government.




  1. Yes they are yelling it, but it's only to pacify the unrest among their constituents.

    They don't really want America to be independent of foreign nations, they have fought and defeated every piece of legislation that would have aided this country's Independence from OPEC for the last 16 yrs.

    Pelosi , Reed, (and the rest of the worst congress in the history of our nation) are not about to completely abandon the uber left that have take over their party.

    This is a smoke screen to calm the fears of the great unwashed. The democrats could never, will never chose big oil over the environmental nut jobs that are now firmly implanted in, and a major player in the democratic party .

    If their Messiah Obama wasn't losing ground because of the mess they have created, they wouldn't even be letting on that they want us to drill.

    If America really wants change, they should vote in some conservative republicans to congress to stop this bending over and grabbing our ankles to please the leftest democrats.

  2. Did you really expect them to go against it when everyone else is for it?  Democrats like to be on the winning side no matter what it is.  They no mind of their own.  Just the fact that they go along with Obama is proof enough.  Don't forget, the first part of democrats is Dim...I mean Dem.

  3. They don't want to drill because that would cut those big profits.

  4. I have yet to hear a rational person yell drill now - only discredited neocons.

    For the record, I am a Republican; but, I need proof that a proposal is the best option and has a chance of success.  A Fixed News op-ed piece is not proof.

    We need a concentrated effort on conservation and alternative sources, and we need it now.  Without leadership in Washington (is anyone surprised Bush has no clue) we will get nowhere.

    Conserve now.

    Alternative sources now.

    Hurt OPEC NOW!

  5. The Democrats like to make more profits by not drilling.

    Democrats are keeping the supply low so they can keep the profits high.

    Democrats don't care that poor people are suffering over high gas and food prices.

  6. even tho they have those lands leased, they still cannot dril;l because of stipulations, like here you have land in the desert, however if any scorpion dies in the land you own you will be fined 4.3 billion dollars, and no it doesnt matter that you dont cause the death

  7. Republicans really don't understand "tree for the forrest" economics...

    let me explain with an example...

    Debeers... diamond company... it's fairly well known that Debeers strictly controls the flow of diamonds, as they control the majority of the world's big mines...

    they have MANY more diamonds than are available on the market... they hold the majority in huge vaults...

    why don't they sell them?

    to keep supply low, which keeps prices high...

    if you're in the right position... sometimes you can make more by not expanding production of your product... than expanding it...

  8. Yeah, they want the oil companies to drill on existing leases but they are the ones that have prevented them from drilling there in the first place.

    Courtesy of Ace Of Spades:

    "It's not just about the economics of where to invest money to explore, "setting aside the land" isn't the end of the process. Marxist Environmental groups have been given standing in Federal courts to sue to block everything, and they do. "

  9. Charles what you said is real and true, but its going to be spun like the democrats tried to get American oil going and the Republicans stopped it.  Chalk one up to the democrats and their friends in the media...ignored will be the 5 bills that get America drilling and drilling now.  Pelosi and Reid won't even let those be discussed on the floor.

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