
Democrats have long attacked Cheney for being a draft dodger, Joe Biden got a deferment ?

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So whats the difference?




  1. As a guy that holds a permanent deferment [due to an accident that denied me the use of 1 hand for 1.5 years ] I could give a rats butt about how somebody beat the draft>It was a game and if you could get a deferment then more power to you.

    However what  I don't like and actually resent is the complete disingenuousness of the guys like Cheney ,Bush and others of their ilk who don't have the nads to come out and say

    "Yeah the War in Vietnam sucked.I didn't want to go  and I thank God that I had the connections to find a way to beat the draft and go on to have a good life "

    But these guys don't have the nads to do that do they ? Too bad they might actually be respected if they did

    Morning music

  2. Joe and Bill are democrats so it does not count.

  3. Its ok if your a liberal

  4. Who cares. If someone had the smarts to get out of going to war for the governments political agendas, then good for them. There should have never been a draft in the first place.

  5. Biden had a legit deferment...

    ALSO.. The criticism stems from Cheney's eagerness to send men to die in a war HE provoked, while not ever, in his life, agreeing or willing to go himself.

  6. We wanted to someone who would be marketable to cons.  It's good to see it's working and that we can count on your vote.

  7. Typical Democrats... do as I say not as I do...because I'm the only one that knows what's good for you..

  8. Dem's are afraid of guns. They know they may be used against them someday if they don't stop going against the wishes of the people. Does seem kind of silly that they don't learn how to use them but love that their political rivals can and  do use them to protect us all. Seems a bit short-sighted.

  9. Joe is a sissy, he couldn't dodge it so he got a deferment.

  10. We attacked Bush too!

  11. When will every one get over who served and who didn't. Some people fit into the military life and others do not. If we are going to hold the Presidents and Vice Presidents who didn't serve in the military and sent men and women to fight and lose their lives responsable then you have to look at F.D.R.  More Americans died in the first hours of D-Day than have died in the Iraq war.  Does that mean that he was wrong ? No it means that people in that position some-times have to make decisions that not every one will agree with but at least they made a decision and that is what we elected them to do.

  12. Joe Biden had a legitimate medical reason.

    Cheney didn't.  

  13. It's not just about avoiding military service, it's about people like Cheney and Bush having a cavalierly attitude towards war while they themselves ran from the battlefield like cowards when it was their turn to fight for their country.

  14. That doesn't count because he is a democrat.

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