
Democrats out of control?

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Why did the Democrats act like that at St. Paul. They were smashing windows, attacking police, and threatening John McCain. I mean Republicans never acted like that in Denver.




  1. That's democrats for ya!

  2. That's because Liberals have grown a back bone and we fight back when you attack us now.  

  3. Can you show your source for concluding that these were Democrats?

    I didn't think so.

  4. Amazing isint it? Thus the true nature of democraps comes forth.. funny thing was, it was a "peace" protest

  5. I don't think those lunatics are Democrats or even democrats, but they are certainly among the most radical of liberals.  I am sure George Soros was delighted by the spectacle.

    When the Minutemen were invited to speak to a Young Republicans group at Columbia University last year, they were shouted down and physically assaulted by an uninvited group of liberal students.  When asked by a reporter why the "protesters" sought to deny freedom of speech to the Minutemen, one idiot said, "The Minutemen have no credibility on the issue of immigration, so they have no right to speak about it."

    The Columbia and Denver "protesters" are the spawn of Adolf Hitler and other maniacs who have blackened our history.  If we do not crack down on then, and hard, they will become more disruptive and more violent.  They obviously do not believe in free elections, so, at a minimum, they should not be allowed to vote.  They have already cast their "ballots" with their behavior.

  6. they have no class.

  7. Yes the tend to get out of control all the time.. This is nothing new....

  8. How do you know if all were dems. Probally some Republicans too.

  9. There were massive anti government protests for both the democrats and republicans.

    Media will cover the protests against the republicans mucn more though, because it fits the stereotypes.

  10. Not democrats....protestors...big difference. There is NO evidence that they are in any way democrats.

  11. I guess a few of us are overdoing it. Same goes for mccain supporters. They can be nasty about it too. I wouldn't force my views on someone like that though.  

  12. You started the war...we didn't! And you got a lot of people killed! Would not have been that bad if you didn't lie to do it and went through the proper UN channels rather than violating international law!

    Bush is a war was Reagan!

  13. There are not many republicans left in this country except few old ones

  14. How do you know they were Democrats? Typical Republican accusing without proof. No they aren't

  15. Funny they were actually protesting Barack Obama.

    Democrats, right?

  16. Why do you think they were Democrats?

  17. Just the obigg*r is out of control due to the bleeding heart liberal coc* suc**rs. F**k the demograt co*n lovin bast**ds

  18. Well, first of all, the people I saw were Green Party and other party members, not Democrats. The Democrats are all home; they spent all their money in Denver and have to go back to work.  

  19. i blame it all on change and ridiculous slogans like yes we can.... that don't specify what it is people can do so they just fill in the blanks like yes we can smash windows as long as its changing something

  20. as Mr. T would say I pity the fools and forgive them for they know not what they do,,,, come on now they have to be frustrated as h**l, their hero goes and picks an old washington hack as his running mate knowing that's not change we can believe in and McCain picks a gun toting diaper changing soccor mom that's just like the rest of the american people with no shady friends and more american qualities than the closet muslim could invent,,,,only proves McCain is genuine and Obama a fraud////  

  21. Yeah if someone is not a republican they must be a democrat, what a wide world view you have

  22. that is how the left behaves.  Notice Stahlin, Mao.  Murder in their hearts and using violence to shove their their corrupt point of view down everyones throats.

  23. i personally think its f*cking halarious..........

    but yeah those people dont represent real dem's. just like the racist pigs dont represent real republicans.

    its kind of appaling........but i cant help but laugh at the same time

  24. What are you talking about? Just like republicans to make something up for their own agenda.

  25. I don't know if it was Dems...I thought the people organising that little stupidity were anarchists. Of course that just means someone will now try to paint Dems as anarchists...which makes no sense whatsoever, given they are part of a political system.

  26. Don't blame the Democrats, blame the  anarchist who respect nothing except Saul Alinsky, Che Guevara and William Ayers.

    They certainly don't respect Obama.

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