
Democrats...what did JFK mean when he said...?

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"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"





  2. He meant to be less selfish and quit thinking that every problem needs someone other than yourself to fix it.  Stop saying "they really should ...", and start saying "we really should ...."  Volunteer to make your world a better place and help your neighbors.

    The problem today is that so many of us seem to think that sitting around yahoo telling each other off is doing something for the country.

  3. Since he was a Democrat, he wasn't referring to the conservative viewpoint that any social program is socialistic, communistic or from Satan. Because he was in the military, a senator and was making his acceptance speech for the Presidency when he said that, he was referring to doing something in service to the country. "Ask not what your country can do for you" doesn't mean to get rid of every program that helps the needy, poor and the disenfranchised.

  4. The same thing McCain is saying now, "Serve a cause greater than yourself."  

  5. when the voters put you in the white house , make sure you keep their interests close to your heart. if not , they will vote you out.  that is my take on it...

  6. He meant "do your country a favor and get rid of the neocon idiots that are ruining it".

  7. He meant ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

  8. It means exactly what it says. Set aside your selfish ambitions and strive to make our country great.

  9. What he meant was exactly the opposite of everything the republicans stand for.

  10. The statement doesn't need further qualification

  11. The opposite of what George Bush said after 9-11, "Go shopping".

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