
Demons and spirits?

by  |  earlier

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this is actually true. my brother would tell my family and i that his house which is like 2 hours away from mine was haunted by demons, ghost and spirits. i was very interested in the topic so i went to his house to spend the weekend. you could actually here people talking and alot of children laughing and crying. my brother and i were get like slapped in the face like out of nowhere. there would also be shadows in the living room and the whole house. furniture and lights were moving and flickering on and off. im very interested and have been doing a lot of research on this . there is this website which i learned at school that you type in a question and a demon aswers it ..this is real . i tried it . i played around with it and it aswered all my questions correctly. does anybody know the name of site i blanked out and cant remember the name. are there ways that i can attract a lot of spirits and demons to me . i want them to think im scared. i want to record everything .




  1. Why the h**l would you want to mess around with those things.

    It's so dangerouse, and yes with a demon your sanity as well as your well being could be in danger. it's human nature to be interested, but that doesn't mean you should go looking for trouble.

  2. Mate, if only you knew just how unrealistic you just doesn't happen that way, youneed to have a VERY strong mind, and have the ability to communicate with thought alone....your website statement only one answer "Yeah what ever" and you Really do not want a satanic visitor believe me.

    Now I suggest that you find yourself something else to do, before you unlease something you Have No Way To Control.

    It take's years of experience and then you are always still learning.

    I would say the only demons you have seen are the ones in your own head.

    But if you are reckless enough to keep on delving then I would say to you, make sure you are ready for what you are about to do, as your life will change forever as there is no going back.......

  3. Hmmm...Level 1....-3 points this week huh?

    Sorry, I don't know of any sites like that.

  4. If you really wish to attract these things then you probably should try your run of the mill seance or something. I warn you not to meddle in the affairs of the paranormal. You're likely to get hurt.

  5. Your demon website was probably just an electronic version of a magic eightball, which sent you random answers.  Magic eightballs can be spookily accurate too.

    Or were you thinking of Yahoo answers?  Some of the answerers can be pretty evil. ; )

  6. call someone in to perform a cleansing, i cant be certain but if you do have a house that filled with ghosts that can do harmful damage that is bad, im a demonologist, i know demons, how did it feel when you were in the house describe the atmosphere, but get someone to run a cleansing of your bros house, a priest holy warrior, someone, demons first like to torture you, then they may try to possess you, or just go straight for the kill, tell your brother to get a silver or gold cross till then, DO NOT DO A SCEANCE THERE! you are at a battlefield armed with swiss army knife, get someone to cleanse the house go to your own and do a sceanse but seriously i need more description of the house, before i can make to much of a judgement but take my advice leave them alone, it may just be one ugly demon playing trick on you, they have a tendency to do that

  7. You want them to "think" you're scared?

    You SHOULD be scared. If you could see all of them you would RUN out of that house and never go back. Just because you can't see them doesn't make them any less horrible, and if they are physically hurting you you should leave!

  8. You need to pray before going to bed asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Next if you ever hear anything unusual sounds command those demons to leave your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. Tell me what happens when you do that.

  9. youre starting where i did.

    you will love every minute of it at first but soon you will resent ever thinking the words "ouija board".

    if you want to attract their attention then i would suggest some basic demonology, ouija boards and seiances. do try to be careful and for gods and deamons sakes: make sure you close the board up afterwards.

    good luck.
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