
Demons hide behind pills?

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Many people with mood disorders such as Bipolar Disorder are prescribed man made drugs. The drugs hide the demons behind them..they mask the demons by keeping the person in a sedated state, which is why many Bipolar patients still have relapses even while on medications. They are denied good jobs often and are shamed by being put on medicare/medicaid at early ages, which can be punishing to the soul as the psychatrists encourage them to just stay calm stay on your one is perfect but when doctors, insurance companies, and nurses, and nurse institutions, Laurel Ridge, James Kevin Cox, shove 15 pills down your throat or make you alternatelty fight with a felon where a polic ifficer will taser you or tag you with a crim you never done like pedophilia and then at hospital they threaten to shoot you to death with needles...and you have a hospital called Laurel Ridge which makes the patients who arent in the military are in a mock BMT when its a pych ward.




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