
Demons. . .. .just wondering ?

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why do more ppl say they exsist but ghosts dont?




  1. i don't know. but i believe in both demons and goast.

  2. they are both very very real, people just believe in ghosts more because ghosts have more physical apparitions than demons.

    Demons have to follow some of the rules, sometimes they are not allowed to show themselves in our world through physical apparitions, and when they do show themselves, its either its because they were summoned or brought there by some other entity, or they broke the rules, if they do then they'd have to be sent back down there and wouldn't ever be allowed to make any other apparition again. Ghosts are different, they were placed in the earth on purpose on a different plane of existence to roam until they've reached fulfillment. Some ghosts develop the ability to show themselves, they sometimes need their presence felt so that they can ask help from the living to help them solve whatever business they haven't finished in life.

    ghosts and demons are two very different things. ghosts are just dead people that are still here for the meantime, demons are an entirely different entity that focus on malice and evil. so to put it simple, demons jut have more restrictions because they have more power, ghosts are just like people, but dead, so they can still in a way roam the earth.

    hope i helped

  3. People who believe in demons, at least in the Western/Christian sense, usually believe that human spirits join God after they pass, so they're not hanging around down here.  So, it's not that they don't believe in spirits/ghosts, but that the ghosts aren't hanging out on earth.  Demons are basically "fallen angels," so a person who believes in (again Western/Christian definition) demons, usually belives in God, Heaven, h**l, angels and the immortality of the soul (in a sense, ghosts) as well.

  4. People believe in different things, usually if you believe in god, you will also believe in demons. Maybe because ghosts are invisible and demons are solid. It really depends on what you believe in and the people you talk to.

  5. Well you have to understand that not everyone believes in the bible and even less have no spiritual or  demonic experiences.... But all demons are fallen angels.. And they are very, very real entities.....  I am a  Paranormal Researcher and Investigator... And you can bet your last dollar that demons are real and very dangerous.... And they are very capable of both possessing and harming human beings..............

  6. Perhaps it is that the soul of a deceased person should not be on this earthly plane but should go on to what ever after life that awaits us all upon the occasion of our eminent deaths.Demons are constantly doing evil on this earth to possess the hearts, minds, bodies and souls of mankind to bring about the ultimate destruction of the earth and everything upon it. However human souls do get lost on the way to their glory and sometimes have left work unfinished and they cannot leave the earthly plane till things are done. Just a thought. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  7. I don't believe in " demons ", I believe in "Spirits that may harm you " and as for angels , "Spirits that guide you "  

  8. They are one and the same.  Ghosts are simply a demon masquarading as a dead or disembodied spirit.  Of course they can impersonate a dead relative or recreate facts about past events.  They (demons) have been around for a long time and were there!

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