
Demonstrators hold the ' front of Kiev '

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The dialogue between the Ukrainian authorities and the opposition Tuesday stalled without reaching start, while law enforcement and protesters for a third day maintained their positions in the " front line " street nearby buildings Parliament and the Government. During the night, two protesters have been killed. One, because of the police shootings, according to opposition sources reported Agence France Presse. This is the first person killed during riots against the approach of Kiev to Moscow.

The tone of Ukrainian leaders on the West cooled at times and the diplomatic and polite language that characterized official statements following the refusal of President Yanukovych to sign the Association Agreement with the European Union is giving way to blame.

Andrei Portnov, advisor to President Viktor Yanukovych said that the opposition is to blame for the unrest on the streets of Kiev and international institutions and officials share responsibility because their presence legitimize illegal actions such as building occupancy.

"We believe that the representatives of the opposition forces have personal liability for actions that happen on the street Hrushevskoho " Portnov said, and that " part of the responsibility lies with international structures and some officials of foreign states " to " legalize the illegal actions " with their" visits "to the occupied buildings downtown Kiev. Participants in the protests known as Euromaidán parties occupied the union headquarters and the city of Kiev and from these premises, coordinate the actions of the "outraged " in Ukraine. On numerous occasions, the ambassadors and Western officials have met with opposition leaders at the headquarters of the unions. Reported that diplomatic circles in the coming days will come to Kiev various representatives of European structures, including the commissioner Stefan FÃ_le, who was responsible for the aborted Ukraine Association Agreement with the EU.

The ex-boxer Vitali Klitschko, UDAR parliamentary group leader, and one of the three leaders of Euromaidán, refused to participate in the meeting on Tuesday that the opposition remained partners with a group of representatives of the authorities led by the Council Secretary security Andrei Kliuyev. Klitschko insists that negotiations must be led by President Viktor Yanukovych personally and failed Tuesday in their attempt to meet again with the head of state, with whom he had spoken on Sunday.

Klitschko went to the presidential administration and passed severe security checks, but I can not see the president because, they said, Yanukovych was " gathered ". The working session between the authorities and the opposition, which involved the Justice Minister Elena Lukash, and Andrei Portnov ended without clear perspective below. Kliuyev called on opposition leaders to " give direction" of its people to suppress the disorders and the " escalation of violence ". The senior official called the situation " hard " but denied that the authorities are planning to declare a state of emergency. By Thursday it has convened a special session of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), whose purpose would be to endorse the state of emergency, according to party sources cited by the Regions of the Ukrainian press.

Laws providing for an increase in the powers of law enforcement were last voted by parliament and published on Tuesday week, but take effect on Wednesday, ie a day after its official publication, as Lukash. As protesters waiting to see how the new directives, hundreds of titushki, a term that security agents and plainclothes police collaborators, circulated by the city to intimidate protesters and journalists, is designated Western sources claimed apply drawing conclusions from incidents including the kidnapping of Igor Lutzenko a Euromaidán activist who disappeared after accompanying a friend to the clinic are counted.

In the days of 19 and 20 January, at least 35 journalists have been victims of violence, according to the Institute of Mass Information. Usually these are impacts of rubber balls or fragments capsule tear gas and shrapnel from the various objects that the warring parties are thrown. Yuri Lukanov, head of the Union of Independent Media, believes that journalists have become targets of the security forces, especially those that transmit images to the TV channels online on the Internet.

"When the authorities do not want to hear the people, the atmosphere became more radical and, if this happens, the wave of protests engulf us all. In this situation, the authorities can not act as if nothing happened," stated Irina Gerashchenko, Rada deputy of the party Udar. Gerashchenko Tuesday visited a clinic in Kiev where, he said, 17 people were hospitalized as a result of trauma suffered during the riots, five of whom were journalists. Four hospitalized - one journalist had lost an eye. A journalists wounded in the latest wave of violence, which does not want to be named, told this correspondent his helplessness because the police included on a list of people to arrest as a participant in disorders, despite evidence that had been injured by a tear gas capsule while working for an official means.

 Tags: Demonstrators, front, hold, Kiev

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