
Dems, Do you regret not nominating HILLARY as your Presidential candidate?

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any "buyers remorse" so to speak?




  1. I voted for her in the primaries, and I STILL wish she had gotten the candidacy. That being said, though, I'm still going to vote for Obama instead of McCain in November.

  2. Nope.  I think she is a great person, but I am very happy with Obama/Biden.

  3. Yes I voted for her and now I think that was bad decision.

  4. Not in the least, because Obama will not sign energy bill etched by Exxon or health care bills penned by Pfizer. , trade deals written by Wal-mart.  

  5. yes..obama does not represent me in any way

  6. No. I would like Hilary to help Obama though. I would like Obama to give her a job in his panel, because she can help the USA. I think Obama is a truly great person. If in 8 years she ran again, I would vote for her. But I'm glad Obama won!

  7. No... that was ridiculous last night.... and it wreaked of selfishness,(not thought for our country)

    Dennis Kucinich on the other hand...had me thinking twice!

    (he rocked)

  8. You bet, for the first time in my life I am voting for a Republican, because I refuse to vote for the Democrat candidate. It makes me a bit sad, but I know the right thing to do when I see it.

    I was really hoping that Hillary would somehow pull out the nomination. Then I wouldn't feel so bad voting this time around.

  9. No, she was so mean spirited and unstatesman like against Obama that I gave up on her. And I donated a lot of money to her campaign!

  10. I'm sure

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