
Dems to have Hillary help campaign: Do you think it will help or make them look bad she wasn't considered 4 VP?

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Dems to have Hillary help campaign: Do you think it will help or make them look bad she wasn't considered 4 VP?




  1. make them look bad hill should tell them to go fly a kite. they backstabbed her  

  2. Isn't it funny that Hillary is turning into the most important person in the Democrats even though she lost the nomination?  She has to jump in and smooth over Obama's selection with the other Democrats and unite the party.  Now Obama needs her to counteract Palin.

  3. I'm a conservative Republican, but I deeply respect Hillary Clinton. She is a tough, strong, intelligent woman who is passionate in her beliefs. I find it thoroughly insulting to her that Barack Obama and that know-nothing Joe Biden would have the nerve to ask her to save their hides after she wasn't even considered for the VP slot. If qualifications are REALLY an issue in this campaign, she is infintely more qualified to be the VP than Biden. She's smarter, better informed on current events, more genuine and definitely tougher. The mere fact that Obama is dispatching her or Kathleen Sebelius (yet another smart woman) is proof thier campaign is weak at best. This is what happens when you try to "lead by committee". JFK was right - "A committee is 12 people doing the work that one ought to be doing".  

  4. Talk about making someone swallow their own pride for the good the party, the Obama camp wants Hillary's help to win supporters but she was never even considered for the VP spot. She's good enough to campaign for Obama but she's not worthy to be on the ticket.

  5. Looks bad.

    Its like an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

    Condescending and out dated way of dealing with women.

  6. i think that's long gone, long over question, and does not matter anymore.

  7. Hillary Clinton has always done what is best for American and she is doing that now by supporting Obama '08, as all intelligent thinking people should do.

  8. I think it makes obama more genuine that he picked someone he thought was the best choice, not someone because he thought by choosing him or her that he would win.

  9. She wants to look good for her campaign in 2012.

  10. How did they backstab her?  I was for Hill and still have mad love for her but she didn't win the nomination.  Time to step back, support her party and play her position.  I do hope, however, that she gets a position in the cabinet.

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