
Dendrites recieve information from:

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> The axon of other neurons

> The dendrites of other neutrons

> The cell body of other neurons

> The nucleus of other neurons

& why/how?




  1. The axon of other neurons.

    The messages in neurons generally flow in one direction: from the dendrites to the cell body.  The axon hillock acts as an integrator and sums all the positive and negative inputs to the cell.  If there are sufficient positive ones (that cause depolarization), an action potential will be fired, and it flows along the axon to the terminal at a synapse, where it sends a message to another neuron or to a target cell, like a muscle cell.  

    Thus, most messages are received by the dendrites, and sent to other cells via the axons.

    The messages themselves (which are electrical in the neuron itself) are converted to chemical signals - neurotransmitters - at the neuron terminal (where the neuron meets another cell at the synapse).  When they diffuse across the synapse to the dendrites of the receiving cell, they bind to receptors, which has an effect on the potential of that cell (i.e., a stimulating effect would be caused by the opening of a channel that would cause depolarization, and an inhibitory effect would be caused by the opening of a channel that would cause hyperpolarization).  

  2. its the axon of other neurons. this happens so the information the brain is sending can go to the muscles or whatever to tell them to contract or relax or whatever else. makes it so the body works!

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