
Denial of being yourself...?

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Have you ever been so caught up in something(s) for so long that you kind of lose a little of yourself somewhere along the way?

Or have you ever found yourself to be guilty of pretending or trying to be something you are not just to please others (while forgetting yourself)?

Sun, Moon, Rising

I have been all too guilty, myself, when first dating someone - trying to be what I think they may expect or want from me....not good! I have tried to be more aware of this for some time now...working on it - it can be difficult though...I seem to be a people nothing more than to see people happy - though I can easily put too much of my own energy into this and lose a little of myself along the way to keeping others happy - then finding that I am really not happy about it or that I feel I get forgotten about and then feel resentment towards others...not good. Am working on it

Sun - Sag

Moon - Scorpio

Rising - Cap

What about you?




  1. Hi alwaysmovingforward,

    I am constantly changing, so much so that I don't always know who I am. I have a lot of square aspects between my Moon, Ascendant, and personal planets, so I think that also contributes to the problem. I don't necessarily change to please others, though. Actually, quite the contrary, I often change as a way of rebelling from the masses. I actually enjoy being the opposite of what people would find ideal, and I do my best to shock and scare those around me. I get so caught up with wanting to be a certain way, that I work hard to project that image even if it is not who I am. After a while, I get so used to the new identity, that it does become my true personality. Sometimes that causes things to shift, it drives people away, and attracts new ones into my life. All part of learning and experimenting. Especially during my young teen years, I was always changing around. I think that some of these behaviors are important in growing as a person. Sometimes we need to look at things through a different perspective, and approach things in a new way to truly know what it is we want in the first place.




  2. you should just gather the willpower and stop it.....if it's kind of hard now, it will be even more so later.....eventually it gets to a point where it becomes too tiring or impossible, and if someone knows you well enough and cares enough, they can probably get a relatively good grasp of your true character, and if they are still with you, then that means they accept it could be that it is not them who are really unaccepting of who you really are, but you need to drop the idealized image you have of yourself cuz you are not god and it is not, most importantly, making you yourself happy and that is impractical.....

  3. yeah I'm there and it so hard to try to "find" yourself again because what you liked before isn't what you like now because you have grown.  I think this really stunts your growth.  I'm really disappointed in myself right now.  But you live and learn right?

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