
Denied a job due to pregnancy....?

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I got a phone call 2 days ago from a place that I used to work. I had reapplied and the manager called me and offered me the job, asking me to come in and fill out paperwork to begin this week. He even told me I would start this week training with him at 4am. When I got to the place to do the paperwork, I casually informed him that I am pregnant. Since I am starting to show, he would have figured it out anyway so I just thought I should be the one to tell him. At that point, he asked me how far along I was and then told me that he cannot give me the job because I am pregnant. Can he do that? Isn't that discrimination? And this isn't just some local small town place, it's Uni-Mart---and it's corporate-owned. Should I just let it go? Contact the corporate offices? Get a lawyer? How should I handle this?




  1. Its illegal, but he may not know it.  I doubt you'll want to work there now even if he was set straight about it.  It's a giant corporation.  Get a lawyer.  They don't have a leg to stand on.

  2. Yeah i would deff call some lawyers about this, I can see him telling you that you didnt get it based on experience but to flat out tell you that you cant have it because oyur pregnant then that should qualify for discrimination, deff. Go call around and see what the lawyers have to say about it, maybe look inthe phone book and try to find one that is experienced in discrimination cases first. Good Luck.

  3. You need to do something about it!  That is illegal, and especially since he flat out told you that is why you can't work there.  You should call a lawyer for a consultation to see what can be done about that.  

  4. Think why he did that. The company will spend time and money to train you and you will go on leave before even they have recovered that. And a very high probability that you will not return to work. I know many people do that even without this reason. But with this reason they are kind of sure of it.  

  5. Thats illegal and you can take legal action against him and the place of employment

  6. Unless not being pregnant is a bonafied operating qualification you can file a complaint.

  7. well it lal depneds do oyu have to do anyt heavy lifting because if u do he might be afraid you would lose the baby could you slip on the floor cuz then u could also lose the baby i think u might wnat to try to find another job dont feel so discriminated but i mean i think you should try to find work that doesnt use that much handling because well your pregnant and ouy never knoe wat can happen i wish u good luk

  8. You need to contact the corporate office! He broke the law...

  9. that is very illegal and wrong unless you are doing a job that their insurance won't cover you because of your condition and if that is the case your lawyer will be able to find out if any pregnant people ever worked there  

  10. What he's done is illegal, get yourself some legal advice!

  11. DEepending on where you live- this could cross over the NAWP.

    Pregnant? You've got legal rights protecting you against job discrimination.

    The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 forbids employers from discriminating against workers on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. The act says women affected by pregnancy or related conditions must be treated in the same manner as other applicants or workers with similar abilities or limitations, such as temporary medical conditions.

    !!!!As long as a pregnant woman can perform her job functions, an employer cannot refuse to hire her because of her pregnancy or because of the employer's prejudices about pregnant women or the prejudices of co-workers, clients or customers. !!!!

    If a worker is unable to perform a job because of pregnancy, the employer must treat her the same as any other temporarily disabled worker—for example, by providing modified tasks, alternative assignments, disability leave or leave without pay.

    A pregnant worker can remain on the job as long as she is able to perform the work. The employer must hold open a job for a pregnancy-related absence as long as jobs are normally held open for workers on sick or disability leave. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act also bans the employer from terminating, demoting or disciplining a worker because of her pregnancy.

    If you think you have been discriminated against because of pregnancy, you may file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission by calling 800-669-4000  

  12. i would have told him until I had actually secured the job..paper work,payroll and all....but still....he can't do that...that is discrimination, he can't deny you a job because you're pregnant, I would take further action if I was you, hope all goes well

  13. they cant deny you a job cause of being pregnant

    thats wrong

    if they think its in your best interest like heavy lifting or dangerous situations they ok

    but just being pregnant, no they cant

  14. He broke the law, he just earned himself a lawsuit.  

  15. It's illegal for him to do that.  Contact the Department of Labor and let them know the story.  You could also contact the company's HR department and let them know you are filing a complaint and will be suing them for discriminating against you for being pregnant.  

  16. I would call corporate and tell them what happened what he did is illegal

  17. No, he absolutely can't do that.  It is pregnancy discrimination.

    You have 2 choices:

    Let it (and the job) go.

    contact the corporate offices and ask to speak to a manager w/in HR.  If you don't get the response you want, contact a labor law attorney in your area.  Most likely they would take your case at no (or very low) cost.

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