
Dennis Kucinich..Kicks Butt, ..I don't care what he looks like.?

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It's so ridiculous to hear people say that they Like Dennis Kucinich, "But he's funny Looking"

How stupid are we as a country... I think Dennis Just hit the nail on the head better than anyone else is going to for the rest pf the convention....

Just a prediction, but lets see,,

Why does it matter what someone looks like? isn't that more superficial Consumerism ?




  1. You silly nut. Leprechauns don't really exist.  

  2. Congressman Kucinich would have made the Founding Fathers proud.  Dennis rocks!

  3. He scares the c**p outta me just like every other liberal.

  4. I agree; He or Ron Paul could have had my vote if they'd stayed in. Neither of them are attractive, but their policies and hopes for America are.

  5. I'm very much a Kucinich fan.

  6. I wish he was the leader and not Pelosi.

  7. He looks like an aged version of Dean Travis from Three's Company, and John Edwards looks like Jack Tripper.  

  8. I do not care what he looks like either.

    I do think his policies of radical socialism would be disastrous for the country.

    PS His wife IS smoking hot though, I do care what she looks like.

  9. Not any worse than being an Ageist talking about McCain's age.

  10. Are CNN MSNBC FOX Liberally biased?

    if so

    i wonder why NONE of them covered Lehey or Kucinich??;...

  11. Dennis certainly knows his stuff.  I would be very happy if he were the nominee.

    On a superficial note, anything he is lacking in the looks department his wife more than makes up for.

  12. Kucinich IS a butt!!

  13. The dude has passion, you have to respect that.

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