
Dennis Rodman The Greatest Athlete Ever ?

by Guest61351  |  earlier

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" He could probably play a 48-minute game and play the 48th minute stronger than the first minute of the game . He was that terrific an athlete.”

That's what Phil Jackson said .. and i have to agree with him i mean ..

He Hustled like no other ...full of energy ... i mean that dude jumped after like every lose ball ...

6-6 dude ... averaged 18.7 rebounds in 1 season

Where 7 ft dude's Like Mutombo , Robinson , Hakeem averaged 12.2 rebounds ..

So you can see how much he Hustle right there ...

And he wasn't just Rebound dude ... he could play great defense as well - 2x Defensive Player of the Year

So do you agree that He is Greatest Athlete Phil Ever Coached ?

Note : He didn't say Rodman was Greatest Player he ever Coached ... So you MJ lovers ... don't start attacking Phil ..




  1. Just because youre always hustling doesnt mean youre the best athlete. He is not near the best athlete and to even compare his athleticism to MJ's is disgraceful to Jordan. He probably was the hardest working guy to be coached by Phil Jackson but definitely not the most athletic.

  2. Rodman could definitely be considered the greatest athlete Jackson ever coached (I'm not going to say he is for sure because Jordan and Kobe are such great athletes themselves).

    Rodman had excellent anticipation skills- once the ball hit the rim, he could tell where it would go, was a very quick leaper- he could jump two or three times while another player was still on his first jump, very fast laterally- which allowed him to guard any position- from point guard to center, and had great stamina.

    All these factors contributed to him becoming one of the greatest defenders and rebounders of all time.

    Rodman was great at timing- whether for a block, a steal, when to draw the offensive foul, or for a rebound- he was particularly adept at getting offensive rebounds (partly because of how quick he could get off the ground)- and given his size, that's nothing short of amazing.

    Just to show how versatile he was- he guarded the following players during his career:

    Kemp, Shaq, Karl Malone, Pippen, Jordan, Magic, Ewing,

    I remember that in 1990, in February, with five minutes left to go in the Pistons game against the Knicks in Madison Square Garden, Rodman asked Chuck Daly, the Piston coach, if he could guard Ewing- he did- and held Ewing to only 2 points in the closing 5 minutes: that's the kind of defensive monster Rodman was.

    For so many players that just play offense, it was refreshing to see one who focused so intently on defense.

  3. You're being sarcastic right?

  4. Ummm no...That would make him the best rebounder and one of the defensive players in NBA history.

  5. HAHAHA man you crack me up........Rodman best athlete ever, wow I guess I've heard everything now!! I honestly think you are ridin solo with that opinion, sorry

  6. Hustling is the only thing he was good at.  

  7. i love rodmans game but hes a cheap shot. i was at the game in mn when he played with chicago and he booted the camera guy in the nuts.

  8. no not at all.....

  9. he may not have been the greatest athlete ever but he tried his hardest all the time, when he played i used to love to watch him hustle and dive after those loose balls, he really was a great player

  10. No, he's not the greatest athlete but he's a h**l of a rebounder and defender. Jordan couldn't do it without him for sure.

  11. LOL WTF did this come from

    your funny dude

  12. I know you put the title for more readers, but yeah he isn't the greatest athlete. He was ugly though. He had funny hair dye commercials.

    I thought he was 6 foot 7... Well, he did get the job done and he was one of the players to help Jordan and Pip, but Chuck was better at rebounding.

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