
Density and temp?

by Guest10741  |  earlier

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The density of a sample of water is measured to be 0.989e3 kg/m^3. The temperature of this sample of water is




  1. looking up in a table of density vs temperature, I get 47.8C


  2. first off, you might wanna capitalize the "e" in your exponent since it means two different things when lower case and capital. Your e means the coefficent 0.989 times 2.7183, and "E" means 10^nth power. and your sig figures dont look right and i think you wrote it down wrong or something. assuming you did, i rewrote the density in the SI unit of 9.89E^-1 g/cm^3 and thats about 40-60 degrees C. Its kinda weird and a little less strait foward because density of water also depends on the height above sea level and its not indicated in your problem. hope this helps.
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