
Density of wood?

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A rectangular block of water floats in water with 50mm above water. In glycerine with specific density of 1.35 the block now floats at a level 75mm above the fluid surface. What is the density of the wooden block?




  1. Gravity something or something gravity = density of object / density of water. wikipedia it. i remember i did a question like this in high school but i forget now. give us formulas and maybe we can.

    it is not hard cause i could do it. i didn't find it hard in highschool

  2. Let:

    H = height of the block in mm

    A = area of the block equal to the length and the width cm^2

    B = buoyancy of the block in grams

    B = 1 x A x (H-50)/10

    B = 1.35 x A x(H-75)/10

    1.35(H - 75) = (H-50)

    .35H = 1.35 x 75 - 50 = 51.25

    H = 146.4286mm = 14.64286 cm

    Volume of the block = AH = 14.64286A cm^3

    Buoyancy of the block = Weight of the block =1 x A x (14.64286 -50/10) =9.64286A grams

    Density =Weight/Volume = 9.64286A/14.64286A

    = 0.65854grams/cm^3
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