
Dental Carries Project?

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If I were to do a project on dental carries what would be the best way to go about doing this? Should I test before and after brushing? Or should I try Testing different mouthwashes? Tell me what you think.




  1. I think if you want to write a project work on  the topic "DETAL CARRIES" them you need to go through following steps....

    1. Topic is chosen ( So it is OK.)

    2. Write a rough plan with some steps what to do first and next

    3. Choose a few friends or family members

    4. It will be your reseach survey group with whom you will carry on observation during your project observation period

    5. Take some notes... interview them regularly and make notes

    6. ask them about their dental poblem, feeling pains and treatment procedures        ( what remedies are they taking, e,g mouthwash, toothpaste with preventives they are undergoing through, medical check ups and so on like this....

    7. Write everything down in a table

    8. make even computer graphs with results

    ( take account of differences in cure due to various prevention factors....)

    8. Go through systematic observation of selected individuals and interviewing and note down every details

    9. see the results and regular curing differences at a fixed intervals settled by you

    10. make some assumptions based on the observation

    11. And finally draw out a conclusion

    For example How "dental carries have been controlled or partially cured by regular mouthwash using certain types of toothpaste composition.".. and so on

    After all these

    IN THE FINAL DRAFT of the project          ( WRITE all  collected details)

    Take these points

    1. Your aim

    2. What is the point of observation

    3. group reseached ( how many, age, s*x...)

    3. Problem they suffered with

    4. treatment/prevention measures they gone through during a fixed span

    5. What factors did you take into cosideration for PROJECT analysis,

    OBSERVATION and research

    6. results of the project observation

    7. tables, graphs and excel calculations,if any

    8. Your final conlusion/ discussion draft


    wish you good luck/God Bless you

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