
Dental cavities?

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I have cavities on my back molars on both side of mouth, and on one of my incisors. Im going to the dentist next month, and i'm wondering what it will be like. The cavities don't look too serious, just 4 little specks on my molars, but I sometimes get cold sensitivity. They been there for a few years, I left them untreated before Im scared of the dentist. What will the dentist do? Will he give me something that numbs mouth than put a needle? How bad will it be if I do it without any drugs?




  1. Yes, you will get nice and numb prior to having the tooth drilled. It's hard to tell how deep the cavity is by looking at the tooth surface. The cavity could be down inside. I would definitely recommend getting numb, way to painful without. In regards to the tooth sensitivity, ask your dentist for a good fluoride toothpaste. I also have very sensitive teeth to cold, and I use Flouridex which helps alot....this will also help prevent tooth decay. I use Colgate Total on the morning, and Flouridex at night.

  2. first they will put this gel stuff on it that numbs the area up then put a needle in wait about half an hour then start drilling it's not bad i had a few cavities filled last month your face will be a bit numb for a couple of hours but it's not bad. don't be afriad it'll be alright.

  3. i have had so many fillings! i'm getting used to it. lol. but it's not a good thing, because it pretty much wares down your teeth.

    but anyways, it's really not that bad. you just sit on the little chair, they put this numbing gel on your gum so you won't feel the needle, and then they take the needle and numb the gum so you won't feel any pain on your nerves and stuff.

    sometimes, cavitites aren't too bad, and the dentist won't even need to numb you. but usually, peaople are numbed.

    after that, they;ll wait a few minutes for the stuff to spread throughout your lower face.

    then they take a light hting, that is sort of like glue, and then they add the filling. it's hard for me to explain, but you won't feel any pain. the only thing that will hurt a little, is the pinch of the shot, and it'll sort of hurt to eat, just ebcause your gums might be sore from the shot.

    so after getting the filling, wait like, and hour or 2, then eat something soft or liquid.

    you'll be fine! take an ipod or something, and ask them if you can listen to music, then just relax and close your eyes!

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