
Dental office employees???

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Anyone work in a "Husband/Wife" atmosphere? I really like our team...however Dentist's wife is the office manager. As a hygienist, I don't have direct issues with her, however, my room is close to the front...and she is terribly unprofessional to the girls in the front office. This causes the front office girls (who have great personalities) to become bitter, snappy, lacking interest and searching for other positions. I've only been in the office for a few months and have learned this is a constant issue with the front office. The office manager/wife blames the front office employees for all mistakes and issues (of which the Dr. supports)...I am told he has been informed and chooses to take his wifes side. Ugggghhhh....being so close to the front office...the tension of overhearing all this is stressing me. ( I too have my eyes peeled for another position, however, I really like most of my team, patients and the office)Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Hi Kimi,

      I have been an operating room nurse for many years and can relate to your problem!  Doctor/wife offices rarely work well; there is too much drama and the wife is always right.  We discuss this topic often and the overwhelming response from my surgeons is....not in my office!  I wouldn't advise anyone to tape something to show to the doctor.  He will stick by his wife; he has to (if he knows what's good for him)!!!

      I know of only one office that this works.....the wife is the surgeon and the husband is her office manager and they are both delightful people.  Everyone in their office loves them.

      Being a hygienist, this shouldn't affect you as much.  I understand having to listen to the other staff members is causing you to become stressed out.  Either try to ignore it or seriously begin your search for a new dental office.  There are new dentists arriving in my town almost every day; hope the same is true with you!  Good luck!

  2. I used to work in an office similar to yours, although I was unfortunate enough to be working for both my father (the Dentist), and the office manager was my new stepmother! One day you could be her best friend, and if you said anything or did anything to upset her, your life would become miserable for weeks. She was manipulative and emotionally abusive. I hung in there off and on for about 9 years (can't believe I made it that long!) but finally had the sense to get as far from her as possible. You could try ignoring this woman and just go about your business, but this hardly works. The silent treatment can only go so far.  My suggestion to you is to try to find yourself an office to work in that is more professional and the employees treat each other better. It's hard to find, but it can be done. good luck!

  3. I am an assistant for an oral surgeon and his wife (which is a dentist but does not practice) is our supervisor. She is hardly ever there but every move we make we have to call her and ask permission or guidance. He does not make the decisions she does. I am not sure how you run a place when you are in your car on your cell phone. It is very stressful for us because her not knowing the situation she call the shots and he backs her up. My best advice is to run far far away as you can and as soon as you can. I love the people I work with but the situation makes us all stressed out. Good luck on finding another job soon!

  4. well......that sucks....hide a camera in the front where it catches all the action and show it to the husband. then he will have proof. besides that idea i have nothing. good luck and hope this helped a little.

  5. I just finished my internship with an office where the dentist was the husband and his wife worked up at the desk.  I was only there for a few weeks, but I know I don't want to work in an atmosphere like that.  My personal opinion is there will always be that stress.  I hope you find  a new job soon.  BTW are you an RDA?  I'll be taking my state board exams in the next month here in Ca.  (yikes)

    Good luck!!

  6. its not going to improve, believe me...switch offices....

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