
Dental professional pls answer?

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I had a crowned tooth that was sensitive to hot and cold and hurt. I went to the doctor few days ago, he said the nerve inside the tooth looked ok but it might be dying and to get a root canal. 3 days later and the toothache is still there. Now I'm thinking it wasnt' the nerve after all, it's my stupid TMJ. Now I'm devestated because I spent 600.00 out of pocket and it might be for nothing. What do you think? Is it possible that I'm still sore from the root canal 3 days later?




  1. yea

  2. Yes, it sounds like that is the case. When I had my done, it was sore for about a week. Depends on ones body. Also look into this plan. I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. My root canal cost me around $300. Xrays, exams..etc. Sounds like your paying too much. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.

  3. Yes, it is possible.  A recently root canalled tooth can take a week to settle down.  Longer than a week and I would want to take a hard look at things again.

    Give it a little more time.  If the pain persists or worsens then call your dentist.

    If after a root canal and a crown and there is still an ache you need to have a thorough exam to see if there is another tooth that is the problem.

    If it is an upper toothache, consider a sinus infection.  Also consider trigeminal neuralgia.  Lots of people have developed this after having some work like a new crown done.  If not considered, a few teeth can be root canalled or extracted before cluing in that is trigeminal neuralgia.

  4. Yes.

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