
Dentist left a gash in my mouth?!?!? Really hurts!?

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I had to get my lower right molar removed yesterday. No pain, except I discovered today that there's an enormous gash under my tongue next to where the tooth was.. (Not connected to where the tooth was at all) It's almost like the dentist dragged a sharp instrument across the bottom of my mouth! It hurts like h**l! Will this heal, or do I have to go back and get stitches? I can't tell how deep it is, but it's VERY obvious it wasn't intentional.. OWW!




  1. rinse it with saltwater a few times, that dentist will might try to cover his own *** so go to another dentist or call your dr. keep it clean.   good luck

  2. God...the least he could have done is told you.  You know he knew he done that.  Just rinse with salt water and keep an eye on it for infection.

  3. You could have an ulcer, sometimes they form after an extraction due to stress possibly.  Just take your pain meds and rinse with salt water.  You should have a follow up with the dentist-if if bothers you still address it at that visit.  Try to relax- extractions are a form of surgery and can have complications.  

  4. Sorry that happened! Unfortunately, dentists are human too and sometimes things like this happen...

    The good news for you is this: Your oral tissue is the fastest healing tissue in your body. So, I know that it hurts now, but it will heal... and you'll be surprised by how quickly it heals. To help with the swelling and pain associated with the swelling, try rinsing with some warm salt water. And, if you don't see an improvement in a couple of days, I'd just call the dentist and check in.

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