My dentist yesterday told me that I need to have a labial frenectomy (I apologize if I spelled that wrong) because the frenum (the band that runs from the inside of my bottom lip to the bottom of my teeth, basically) is "pulling down" my gums in the bottom front; for lack of a better way to say it. They have to go in with a laser and cut this band. (the frenum) My gum in the bottom front on one of my teeth has always been super low anyway, but apparently the frenum is pulling it down even more, or contributing to it. Obviously you wouldn't want this to recede any further, because the root of a tooth is only so long. You can't regrow the gum, but you can prevent it from receding any further. I was wondering if anyone has heard of this procedure being done? And before I go lasering this thing, what is the frenum for? Am I going to have a bottom lip like Bubba Gump if I cut it? Sorry for the example, but it's the most clear image I could think of. :o)