
Dentists, or any other Dr..Is there a medical error here?

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evey single time I have work done on my upper right side I get excruciation pain on my four center bottom teeth.My Dentist looked helpless at me and said"nothing is even connected there!" after a while longer he said well kiddo...those are real tears and that is real sweat in your eyebrow and I am going to numb them up. so he did It was better. not all the way but lots!! whats going on. They also hurt when I run.




  1. there is a phenomenon called "referred pain" which can make a thing hurt that isn't even in the same area. But if those teeth hurt when u run, ask your dentist about 'bruxism' are you grinding your teeth in your sleep? have him check your bite- maybe with a teeny little bit of filing on those lower teeth- check it out ask him. also have him check and see if your gums are ok on those lower teeth, if you have any gum recession there that can cause what you are talking about.

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