
Deos a pilot actually fly the plane during a Flight or is it mainly the Autopilot?

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I was wondering with plane technology these days. Does a pilot actually do any of the flying or is it mostly just sitting there turning nobs and listening to intructions before turning more nobs and is it manditory to have autopilot on? like what if a pilot was like "I feel like flying" and flew manually for a good distance (weather permitting and stuff like that).




  1. Ill explain this in a lay man,s language for ur better understanding..It is mandatory that a pilot takes off and lands the plane manually.. auto pilot is generally used by large aircrafts during long journeys as it would put a lot of stress on pilots. smaller aircrafts can be flown manually for longer distances. a pilot can fly manually whenever he feels like. but its mandatory that he does not stress himself too much.---------------

  2. The autopilot usually does all the flying, the pilot has the ability to change altitude, speed, rate of climb or decent, direction, flight path, and guidance through an autopilot, which is usually integrated into whats called a FMS flight management system. Even Cessnas have these now.

    A pilot could decide to fly a plane manually, but it can be very stressful since it adds greatly to the workload when you have to check your instruments constantly in order to keep within acceptable tolerances. Things change very quickly at even 100mph, let alone 500mph.

  3. You are right to some extent that it is impossible to fly the long distances then you have to come on the autopilots but when the things are smooth and you have the required  minimas just go on the autopilot rest they will do the needful for you there is nothing to go for the nobs its already fed in to the onboard computer that they will go about you just have to give the command and sit back.

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