
Dependency Override Question?

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Have any of you done a Dependency Override, it's where you submit tons of documentation proving that the relationship with your parents is so bad you should be considered an Independent. I'm in the process of doing this and was wondering if anyone else has gone through it. What are my chances of getting the override.. I turned in all the paperwork and am a little stressed about it... THANKS!




  1. This is not about having a bad relationship with your parents. Half the kids in America do so that won't fly. If it were easy to get out of being dependent, every family would do it. When you have parents who don't want to pay for college your only option is finding one you can afford without their help.

  2. All I have to tell you is good luck....the only thing you can do to legally make you independent and help your case is to go to court and emancipate yourself from your family. Without doing so I can guarantee you that they won't give you independent status because anyone can say they have a bad relationship with their parents, provide a few documents and try to get aid. I'm fighting the Dependency Override right now because I'm pregnant, about to have my baby soon and will be providing more than half the support for my child. Therefore, I do fall under the "independent" status but they still aren't giving it to me since they consider your previous years' taxes. So I feel your pain sort of, but in order to get what you want, you have to go to court and make it legal.

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