
Depersonalisation - why does nobody understand it?

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I've been suffering from repeated episodes of DP since January people seem to think depersonalisation is the same as dissociation and IT'S NOT!

The episodes I get are totally draining and some are violent. I still don't understand what's happening to me and why. I've only been told three things about depersonalisation by my psychiatrist, being:

1. Depersonalisation is 'altered states of consciousness'

2. Its caused or triggered by high anxiety levels

3. The only way to reduce DP episodes is by reducing anxiety

Why why why does this happen? I'm not even going to TRY to explain it to those who aren't familiar with the term because quite frankly, its impossible.

Does anybody know anything I don't? Like, if you can stop an episode once it starts? I've tried for 8 months and failed.

Please help :(




  1. I have suffered from HIGH anxiety episodes until just recently...

    I starting reading 'THE POWER OF NOW"  by Eckhart Tolle....

    Be in the baby......helps you to know how to slow down..not so anxious..HUGS!!!

    PS..I have had anxiety problems for 30 years...been on Meds..NOTHING worked...TRY THIS!!! No Meds anymore!!

  2. just go with it.

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