
Depo injection - how long does it take to get out your system?

by  |  earlier

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My last injection was May 07, so have been off of it for 15 months now, and my periods are still irregular and all over the place. Any ideas how long things take to get back to normal as we are ttc #1 and getting really fed up.

Thanks in advance




  1. As far as I know it is around 1 year.  Have you had any medical advice about concieving? Maybe it is not the Depo to be blamed? I know some woman can take up to 2 years to get their cycle back on track.


  2. usually 10-18 months although some women can concieve earlier and some later.

    As its been 15 months, maybe wait 2/3 more and if u still havent concieved then, go to ur gp to get some tests done.

    I doubt if u went now they would do anything cos its only been 15months.

    Good luck, i hope u do get pregnant

  3. Totally depends on the individual.

    I was on depo for 4 years, had my last injection September 2003, so would have run out around December 2003 and I fell pregnant in June 2004, so for me it only took 6 months, but I have heard tales of it taking up to 2 years.

    Just remember that even people who use no contraception whatsoever sometimes take ages to conceive.

  4. It takes up to a year.  Maybe you should pop to see the doctor / nurse to see if there's anything that can help regulate your periods again.


  5. It really just depends!!

    It took my mum two years of trying until she fell pregnant with my little sister after coming of the Depo.

    So it does really depend on your body i suppose!

    Good luck xx

  6. Usually around a year,give or take a few months.

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