
Depo shott! :)????? What will happen?

by  |  earlier

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So i'm forcedd to get it;; && im pregnant.

anything happen to my baby??

..only me && bf know im pg.

*please let me knww.




  1. I thought it was a big no no to go on depo injection if your pregnant.

  2. NO NO NO NO !!!!!!

    Boys come out VERY deformed. They should give you a pregnancy test before you take it. But even if they don't, come clean and start prenatal care. Do what's best for your BABY. Not for you. Whoever you're scared of telling doesn't matter. Only the child you're carrying.

    EDIT: Then tell her. Whatever wrath you're scared of isn't worth losing you baby. The effects on a fetus are drastic.

  3. Do you have a spare chromosome?

    Edit: I agree with the answerer above me. Don't be a chickensh*t. If you were mature enough to get yourself knocked up then be mature enough to tell your mother about it. Otherwise you'll not only ruin an innocent child's chances of a normal life, you'll also get yourself stuck with a dependent and deformed kid for the rest of your life.

  4. Every time you get a Depo shot they will preform a pregnancy test before just to make sure. If you are prego they will not give you the shot. It is not healthy for your baby.

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