
Deported to the states?

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Yeah.So I'm living in egypt..I'm born and raised in the states,I'm now 19 and legal i guess to leave egypt,I came here with my folks when i was like 12 and they wouldnt and still wont let me go back...Anyways I'm broke as h**l,and dont tell me to get a job unless u came to egypt and seen the employment or culture before telling me to get a job because trust me i tried.Its not as easy as it is in the states or europe..And for a ticket back to the states id need like 9000le...anyways i wanted to know if i went to the American embassy and told them I'm stuck here would they deport me back to the states or what?Id go and ask but i dont wanna make a complete *** of why not make an *** out of myself online lol Any help would be great.




  1. The US Embassy cannot help you in this instance. They can only offer financial help with travel for US Citizens who already live in the US.

    Besides, where are you going to live once you get there.

  2. Hello sorry to hear about your situation..but the only way the USA can provide help is if you are being held against your will in Egypt.

    You can get deported if you were ilegally in Egypt but it doesnt seem to be the case.

    Best of luck!

  3. Try here:

    Hope they can help!

    Good Luck!

  4. first of all you cannot be deported into the US, one can only be deported if illegally staying  in a country,so that could not be applied to you,

    i really do not know what to say to you, i have read 3 more questions just as yours but concerning other female not been able to leave the country that are now living in,

    i do not think that the US embassy could help you even tough you are an US citizen, they can only try to get you contact in the US, in case you would have family there, but as to the financial part, you will not get any help.

    i am sorry but i have no positive answer for you,

    do you not know anyone in the US that could help you out?

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