
Depressed, will it ever end

by Guest62618  |  earlier

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i need to get out of here

I cant take this anymore

i feel like im going to explode

i love you and the kids, but it is too much for me

the endless crying and wants and screaming and fighting

my mind cant handle it

i need to go away

before it permanent

no one cares

no one understands how I feel

They just tell me to get over it

Im dying inside

What am I supposed to do

The pain is too much

this life is too much

anger and hate

tears and sadness

worry and regret

that is my life

It will never change.




  1. get some help before you do something tragically desperate and irreversible, show everybody that you can overcome this. peace and love be with you.                  we care;

  2. I can feel your pain, I was in psychiatric hospital this year for months due to depression, I thought it would never end too but in time it does if you accept it and work on what it is in your life making you feel like this, i know you probably feel out of control and desperate, talk to your dr or a councilor, you won't get better over night it takes time but the first step is to start talking and breaking it down, you can't snap out of it and if people tell you to, what I learned once is depression is a illness, just like cancer you wouldn't tell a cancer patient to snap out of it.put yourself first and try not blame yourself, ask for help, all the very best to you.takecare.

  3. talk to me. ill try to do my best to help  

  4. That's cool, but when I'm thirsty I drink Gatorade to quench my thirst.

  5. you need direction and a plan for your busy life.You are not alone feeling like you are.There is help for you out there.Call Family Services and they will direct you.

    Hang in there,it will get better

  6. It can change but it is hard at first. You become accustomed to certain feelings and unless you work hard to change them they will seek you out.I tried different perscribed drugs with unpleasant side affects and then I started to learn about what causes the feeling to be so overwhleming. This may sound strange but if you have an open mind, try watching a video called "What The Bleep Do We Know" and a book called Yoga:The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness" These are unconvention therapy for depression, but I find that they give you insight on how we and the world and the mind, spirit and body actually work. Knowlege is power and this will provide you the power to make changes. But first and foremost, know the people around you probably care but don't have the tools to help so they try by telling you to stop. They don't want to wotness your pain and hope this will "make it go away". And tell your kids to CHILL. Your job is to raise them with health, values and an education, kids will have you thinkin your there to provide constant entertainment and be their imagination for them. You have to be good to do good for them. Hang in there!

  7. neva

  8. Anger, hate, tears, sadness, worry and regret used to be my life too. But it DID change. Don't lose heart, Princess. Don't say it's over, because it's not. The end of your anger, hate, tears, sadness, worry and regret will come when Jesus begins in your life. Men look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Men think you're playing games, but Jesus knows how you really feel. He sees what's in your heart, and it breaks His heart to see yours broken. He doesn't want you to give up, He doesn't want to see you slip beneath the surface of the waves. He doesn't want you to surrender to your feelings. He wants you to turn to Him so that He can be your strength in your weakness. He wants you to go forwards, not backwards. He wants you to conquer, not to BE conquered. And He knows you can't do it alone. He knows you want life, but can't seem to find it. He knows you want to break free, but can't seem to shake the chains off. He's seen your struggle - He knows it's a daily battle for you. And He doesn't want you to keep trying to do everything by yourself. He loves you so, so much and He wants to take the weight off your shoulders. He's there for you, Princess. All you need to do is turn to Him for help, and you'll receive it. He loves you too much to see you destroyed! Don't ignore Him when He calls out to you. Don't ignore the hand He extends to you. Take hold of it, and He will pull you out of the waves that are at your neck and place them beneath your feet!

    "Jesus, I can't do this on my own. I'm struggling, I'm fighting to keep my head above the water. I'm dying inside, and I'm scared that I will always feel this way. Please help me, Jesus! I want my life to change. I can't do this on my own, so I put my life in Your hands. Take my life into Your hands and heal me, change me. Save me from drowning. You've extended Your hand out to me and I'm taking hold of it, Jesus. Pull me out of the waves and help me to walk on water."

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