
Depressed 14 Year Old Weakling Wanting To Turn His Life Around?

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Basically, I'm 14, And I'm a complete weakling. And, I'm overweight. And I've decided to do something about it. The problem is, that I have no access to gym equipment or anything like that. The only "equipment" I have is just a normal everyday bicycle. Also, I'm a bit embarrassed to ask anyone for help, and, to throw a spanner in the works, I also have asthma and therefore can't do too much strenuous cardio exercise. So, what I really want, is a way to lose weight, and gain muscle, at home. I don't have that much spare time, so something that can be done in small "portions" that I can repeat throughout the day.

Thanks in advance,





  1. Go swimming. It's good cardio, and won't stress your joints if you're a little on the chubby side.

  2. You should go see a doctor he will get an expert to help you with your self asteem issues and tell your mum so she can support you maybe she will help with a healthy diet and excersize plan.

  3. eat healthy, maybe cut down on pastas and other carbs if you're not burning them up. uuuum. press ups for ur arms, sit ups for ur belly.... search google for the rest. it will take time, but maybe even just with getting older your weight will sort itself out, it could just be hormones cause you're at "that age"

  4. at your age, running, pushups and situps should be fine along with healthy eating.  Next year when you're about 15-16, try to sign up for weight training class at school or get a gym membership and start hitting the weights.

  5. I'm a 15 year old girl. I'm not overweight, but i know many people with the same problem as you. I would suggest doing sit ups every night. It doesent take long and you can do as many as you want. It's just important you have self motivation. Also, your weight depends on 1/3 what you eat, and 2/3's what exercise you do. So both are important. Cycling is a great way to keep fit. You should try cycling to school if its not too far. And to friends houses etc. I'm sure your parents would support you all the way. All parents want healthy kids.

  6. Stop eating rubbish!!

    Also Sit ups!

    I'm 14 and i have asthma and i am normal weight because..

    I walk my dog everyday round long fields..

    I try and do 100 situps a day or every other day..

    I eat healthy!

    Before you eat something a snack or your lunch ect just look at it and think about it..

    Is it healthy?

    Are you having it a lot?

    Do you really NEED to eat that?

    If the answers is no then just put it back or dont eat it!

    Also never try throwing up trust me it just wont work!

    Good Luck!

  7. I was in a simmilar situation.  I don't have asthma, but do have weak lungs.  I was way over wieght at 14.  I would start off with a vigorous walk or jogging if your lungs can handle it.  You don't have to do it fast, just keep a steady pace.  Try doing some push ups and crunches.  Again, don't kill yourself with too many, do what you can.  As fas as lack of time, if you are alone, you can always drop and do another set of push ups or crunches where ever you are.  At work I sometime do that, pull ups too, and jumping jacks.  Hope that helps!  

  8. heya dan i also have asthma and all you need to do is " condition2 your lungs now don't give up just yet i know exactly what you can do .

    you need to do just the exercises i have said for each day on that day to increase your strength and health. alternate each exercises per time you have free e.g. squats-lunges-squats-lunges you get the picture. and rest for one minute between each set


    squats 3 sets perform until legs cramp up

    stationary lunges 3 sets perform until legs cramp up

    calf raises 3 sets perform until calves cramp up


    tricep dips between chairs 3 sest until failure with own body weight

    tricep press ups(arms parralel with chest and tight against body) 3 sets until failure with own body weight


    wide grip chin ups 3 sets until failure with own bodyweight( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your back whilst dangling from bar)

    close grip chin ups 3 sest until failure with own body weight ( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your back whilst dangling from bar)


    wide grip press ups 3 sest until failure with own bodyweight

    raised feet press ups 3 sest until failure with own bodyweight


    close grip pull ups 3 sest until failre with onwn bodyweight ( if cannot do one just do partial reps at the bottom of the movement just pull body up as high as you can only using your biceps whilst dangling from bar)


    handstand pressups 3 sest until failure with own body weight( if canot do free style rest feet against wallthis is very hard so if unable to do do jacknife press ups instead )


    double crunches 3 sest until abs cramp

    leg raises 3 sest until abs cramp

    plank 3 set suntil failure

    bicylce kicks 3 sest until abs cramp

    for cardio;

    do 60 seconds walking on spot, 45 secs jogging on spot, 30 secs running on spot and 15 seconds spritning on teh spot repeat 3 time s do thsi every morning just befor breakfast, then whenever posiible during the week or weekend just cycle until you drop to help lift the cardio do this at any pace you like.

    e-mail me if you want more help

  9. u gotta stop eatin toomuch...thats the first step

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