
Depressed ='[ help me?

by Guest11133  |  earlier

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my life sux. im 16 yrs old. i miss my ex so much.. we live far away (hr and a half] i want to be with her, but she sed shes not ready cuz shes just starting highskool.. i get everything, i dont want any other girl... i know she likes me too but ya.

then skool is starting soon, i hate skool.. it depresses me more

i lost a lot of my friends cuz we got in stupid arguements

i feel hopeless, no one loves me, i feel so depressed now, everytime i go in my room i lok at a picture with me and my ex and start crying.

i barley c my brotheres and sisters anymore, wow my life sux

im about to end my life soon




  1. God never gives you more than you can handle.

  2. I would suggest some counseling.

    Or maybe going to see your ex, but just as friends, maybe once a month or something.

    I understand the distance issue, I live 3881 miles away from my boyfriend. =[

    But, try visiting her.

    Or, show up at her door step with some roses and a box of chocolate. Maybe ask her out to a movie. But make sure it's not a school night. Maybe a Saturday night.

  3. You can get a car at 16, so it's not so bad...  

  4. There's got to be someone you trust that you can talk to.  And please don't ever think that ending your life is the answer.  If you're miserable now, you'd be miserable up there, too.  You can't see it right now, but there are lots of people who love you, who would be heartbroken if you were gone.  

    It might be time to put away the picture of you and your ex for a while.  Not throw it away, just put it somewhere out of reach for a while until you can heal a little.  Looking at it all the time just brings up all those old feelings and makes you more depressed.  

    You should think of something you enjoy and pursue it-music, art, gaming, sports, books, building stuff, etc.  Something to distract you a little, and give you a little happiness in the meantime.  When you take care of yourself and enjoy life, it's a lot easier to make and keep relationships.

    And if the feelings of depression don't go away soon, or if they're interfering with your daily life, like changing your eating or sleep habits, weight gain or weight loss, etc, you should see a doctor to see if you have a clinical depression.  There are so many meds out there that can treat depression.  A clinical depression doesn't mean you're a failure, or crazy, it just means all the stress you've been feeling used up your reserves of stress-handling hormones, and the meds can make up the difference and restore balance.

    Please don't give up!

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