
Depressed?! What to do?

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I found myself in a very deep depression..ive been like this for a few months now... not that I'm dying and cant walk or talk...but i really do not want to walk or talk... i lost any interest to anything... i do not want to go anywhere ...i don't want to do anything... all i want and CAN is to lay down in my bed and listen to the very sad musics that make me cry and i do cry.... it happens almost every night! every morning! my eyes are always red ... and i do not like it..but cant stop being sad or crying... i really don't know how and what to do to get out of this depression or whatever its called... i thought that the college will fix it... but i guess it wont cause I'm already not interested in it.. and I'm just afraid that if i stay in this "mood" for a few months more i wont make it in college... please people..tell me how did you get out of the depressions? what to do?




  1. wow you need to tell the people that are closest to you and stop listening to sad songs. listen to happy songs or watch comedies. Get out of the house and see places.......or talk to a professional

  2. here you go:

    your welcom : )

  3. Pray for peace

  4. i no how u feel....usually i feel this way after a breakup for a couple of weeks...the best advice i can give u is go through each day a step at a time...u need to do things to get depression off of ur not sit in bed...get up do something...listen to music that puts u in a good mood...keep pepping urself up and eventually ur depression will start to fade once u start doin things to get it off ur mind...idk if u have any type of incodent that made u feel this way but if u did go through something that made u feel depressed, my advice for u is to talk about it with someone..vent it all out...then once u do that move on. i hope this helps a littlee..i hope u get better fast!

  5. Run, don't walk, to your nearest mental health provider and seek help with this depression.

    Also, try exercising because it releases substances into our systems that tend to alleviate depression.

    Good luck.  

  6. Well, I can only imagine what you're going through, (what I would do) though the best thing to do (and the first too) is to throw away the music that makes you cry. For once you won't have to see it and be "pulled" to play it every time you see it. Secondly, try to find some other activities that could pull you out of that bed. Find someone you can hang out with, usually other people can pull you out of your state of mind =D, it's liberating to be with others rather than alone in your room with puffy eyes and sad music.

    Remember, there is more to life than being sad!  

  7. dont let these bad feelings control you , you control them pray every night to God to help you out to get you out of your misory, stop torturing yourself with the sad music put on music that makes you happy dont think about the bad stuff think about everything good that has happened in your life and that WILL happend in your life if you loose the depression dont let these feelings control you because we all know that you dont want to be sad so just be happy get someone that you love to live with you and make you company its not good to be alone all the time and remember that you are never alone God will always be with you no matter what just have faith !

    God bless you!

  8. hang out with friends.

    call them.

    listen to happy music and get up and dance!

    write and let your feelings out.

    find someone to talk too.

    take time for yourself.

    find a TV show you like.

    spend time with family.

    i really hope I could help, and i hope you feel better soon!

  9. Obviously you want to cry. That is a good thing. Crying and laughing is almost the same thing. Almost everyone has laughed so hard they end up crying, and cried so much they laugh! You are crying because something is making you sad. Sometimes it is very difficult to figure out why you are sad. It may be physical, because your body is not healthy, which could be caused by many things. It could be emotional, events that haven’t been put behind, which is apprehension about the past, just as apprehension about the future can cause anxiety attacks. Think about getting a physical exam. If that turns out ok, then think about what in the past you might be apprehensive about. Write your thoughts, anything, every day. At the end of a few weeks, what look like silly thoughts at the time, will begin to fit. Like a puzzle.  

  10. I no how u feel I am the same way and have been for a good year now. What helps me some is tring to make myself talk to at least 1 person.

    I never want to get out of bed and im always crying. Im not the best to awnser this question but maybe it could help some. Try to make yourslef to get up and talk to someone. Maybe see a counsler to help some. Hope this Helps!

  11. I'm sorry to hear that you should talk to someone you trust like a friend, family member or someone from church. Depression is awful, i been though it and its not fun at all.  try to keep yourself active and around positive people. Look for God, hes the healer of everything!

    God Bless you !

  12. Yo dude, I been depressed before and I was depressed because I felt lower than everybody else. But how I got over it was by finding myself I started to draw about how I felt while I listened to music that expressed how I felt. And soon i discovered when you put yourself down, Cry and isolating yourself everyday you lose the essence of who you really are.     When you can acheive so much.

  13. Just get over it.

    The more you time you spend thinking about depression, the more it slowly drags you in.

    I was in a state of depression at one time of my life, and I was both young and immature. But I came out of it a more mature person. How? I simply got through it.

    Time heals, my friend.

  14. you need professional help....go immediately....they will give u therapy n some prescribed medicine...ur only young once n life is too short to waste it like this...

  15. Talk to your doctor about this, medication might be answer or therapy could help you just as much. There are no real quick fixes for this problem but I strongly suggest therapy.

  16. Ok so your depressed, you souldn't think of bad thoughts or thinking of suicide. If you could you should get a therapist.

  17. everyone gets depressed i used to be really depressed and just start crying for no reason, but then i realized that i needed to stop and that it wasnt worth it crying it wasnt gonna change anything it would only make me sader so u need to stop listening to sad music and look at the positive side of things.get a hobbi or do something that u like, usually i run whenver im sad or mad just realx :)  

  18. Go to a pet store and play with puppies and kittens, always lifts my spirits.

  19. watch a movie.

    buy a pet.

    go on a date.

    buy some clothes or something you want.

    play some sports and get some exercise.

    watch live events.

    volunteer in helping children with their problems.

    Ask, look, and have faith for God.

    I will pray for you so everything will be fine.

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