
Depressed about this condition on my p***s - does anyone know what it could be & how it could be cleared ?

by  |  earlier

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im waiting for a follow up appointment with a dermatologist after the first one was abrupt and dismissive of the complaint.....told me it was nothing.

ive been checked out at the sexual health clinic months back who told me it was nothing, they couldnt find anything on the test......but to go to my doctor to maybe refer to a dermatologist.

the problem and concerns i have is regarding my p***s, when erect, its only just about 6 inches or maybe just below.

plus the head of my p***s is small, alot ive seen have a big mushroom , broad appearence........mine doesnt but is flat.

also the reason im seeing the dermatologist is because the skin covering the head of my p***s is all torn and cracked.....the surface of the skin is all looks very unusual.

normally the head of a male p***s as a smooth baby skin appearence.

mine is all cracked, like little tears covering the head part.

the dermatologist said she didnt think it was a skin disorder, she didnt know if the cracks will eventually clear but said they might ' reduce ' in time..

meanwhile she reccommended i use simple emoliants to wash down below.

she also refered me to have pictures taken of the skin to be sent of to a specialist for more reccommendations..

i have to see the dermatologist again in a couple of weeks for the outcome of that..

im 30 years old now and im really anxious about this a man i feel very inadequete and inferior..

i hope to god, i pray that the cracked skin will clear up in time.....the not knowing is really tormenting me.

can anyone offer me advise or hope about this ?

i have my forskin.......the condition doesnt very sensitive down there.......i can get erections ok...

i have a forskin, but the skin covering ' the head ' of my p***s is still all cracked and teared.

and i mean the head of my p***s not the forskin - and there not just wrinkles that smooth out when im erect , the skin is actually cracked and fissured

btw - the cracks and tears on the head of my p***s dont itch at all, they just feel very sensitive.

also i was checked for diabetes a couple of months ago the tests were clear.

thought i would change the catagory because i was getting worthless , pathetic idiotic answers.




  1. First of all, you have a reasonable p***s size.  If you look up p***s size in Wikipedia, it indicates that the average size for an erect p***s is 5-5.8 inches long.  Don't worry on that account.

    As to head size- I have seen more penises than I have ever wanted to as a n RN, and they come in all variations, from small to medium to large.  That's nothing to worry about either.

    Foreskins aren't that unusual either.

    As to the tears and fissures, I'm sure that is a legitimate concern of yours- it hurts and isn't normal.  Have you gone to a urologist to be checked?  There may be something more that a urologist can do for you rather than just a dermatologist.

  2. try carmex for chapped p***s.  

  3. over masturbating too often and to harshly will cause this to happen. time to stop, give yourself a rest, stay very very clean and shower often, and make sure your cloths are very clean down there..use sween cream, it is a miracle worker

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